Thursday, May 31, 2007

You Know You've Bonded With Your Horse When...

She falls asleep on your shoulder! YES! That happened with me and Belle last night. I had a lesson with Mary that I was dreading in a way. Mary and I had a hiccup in our friendship teacher/student relationship that we worked through last night and now everything is better than ever. But, after we got done with our lesson, I was just loving on Belle and rubbing her while I was talking to Mary and her best friend, Jesse. And Belle's neck kept getting lower and lower and she finally had her head rested on my shoulder and Jesse said "Um, Leeann, Belle is asleep on your shoulder"! It was so awesome! She definitely knows she's my horse now.

It's the most amazing feeling in the world to go into a huge pasture, have your horse stop grazing, look up at you and start coming to you. It's even more amazing if she runs to you... like Sunny did to Don tonight.

Don took Sunny into the arena tonight and Katie rode her bareback. Belle was in the pasture back behind the arena and Sunny stopped in the back curve next to that pasture and whinnied to Belle... almost as if she was trying to say "Look, they are spending time with me tonight!"

Sunny definitely has that attitude going on!

After Katie got done riding, Don worked Sunny (running her). I love to watch him do that. I know it sounds corny but he's so amazing when he does it... in a cowboy kind of way. He keeps complete control of Sunny and she puts on an amazing show. Tonight was a little like that show she put on for me right before my surgery... tail stuck out, hooves prancing and perfect form. She had total speed and grace. When she'c come to a thundering halt, her nostrils were flaring!!! When he was done... he just patted his chest and she came right up to him.

Katie loves Sunny! She thinks she's the biggest horse on the planet and she thinks she is so cool for riding such a big horse.

Don and I were looking back at video this past weekend and we couldn't believe Katie's balance a year ago compared to now. Going to STAR ( and spending time with our horses has improved her balance so much. Her posture is amazing when she's riding. She loves to trot and can't wait to gallop one day.

Sunny is a very hard ride because of the draft in her. She's wonderful to walk but if you get her into a trot... you will fell it the next day. So, Mary is definitely going to teach us to post... which is good because then you are getting exercise while riding.

Belle... when she trots and gallops, you feel like your gliding! She's amazing. It's because she's gaited!

I still maintain that Sunny saved my life. She'll have a special place in my heart through eternity. Horses are just amazing and we are blessed to have two that love us back!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across your blog quite by accident... but I wanted to let you know that I have read some of your recent posts... I too have a deep love for horses (unfortunately I don't have any in my life right now)...that video you put up of the dressage rider is amazing!!! Did you ever see the one with the one with that's bareback and with no bridle?? I sit and cry every time I watch it... I have the link on my site somewhere (search by the tag of horses). OH on that same link you put up - if you go to your link to get that link - and then you see 15 other videos that relate... check out the 2nd one... to a song called Who I Am... great job!

    My sister had the same surgery you did a couple of years ago now... it hasn't been an easy road for her afterward - I look forward to sharing all that you are grateful for with her - hoping that it will remind her of all that she DOES have...

    I am a conservative ... but that doesn't stop me from being outraged by the crazy money that our government spends...our schools are a disaster! That is one reason I decided to homeschool mine...

    Well, just wanted to drop a short note to let you know I was here. Hope you have a great day... Cassi
