Saturday, May 26, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game


We had so much fun tonight! We took Katie and her neighborhood BFF's to the Smokies game tonight. Poor Don... he was really outnumbered! Alex has grown up so much the past few months... she is only 10 but she's so intelligent and mature. I enjoy her! LOL! And, she is just an amazing friend to Katie! Cassie is too... only Cassie is 5 months younger than Katie so they are pretty much at the same level. Both have been a true blessing in Katie's life.

But, Katie totally got into the baseball game. At least the first five innings. Don was explaining all of the game to her and I was explaining it to Cassie and Alex was just in the middle.

The girls all loved it and want to go back to a Friday night game that has the fireworks. We will definitely put that on our Summer Fun Things To Do List! :)

The girls are coming over tomorrow afternoon after church to swim so I'm sure I'll be posting pictures and blogging about our escapades in the pool tomorrow night! :)
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