Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Doctor, CKU & LOST

Wow, what a Wednesday! I had my doctor's appoint to get my monthly B-12 shot and I generally see Holly - the nurse practitioner for routine things like this. Holly has been so incredibly supportive through this whole process of my surgery and post-surgery life. When I had my complications and was in the hospital for two weeks - Holly came to the hospital on a Friday evening when she got off work, sat on the edge of my bed and talked to me for almost and hour and a half. Mom was there too - which was cool because she got to meet her. Anyway, Holly was SO excited because I am two pounds away from that 100 lb weight loss mark. I just love her... she's so encouraging! But, she's also been a big part of my health issues and weight loss efforts now since 2003. I'm still dealing with some potassium issues but I'm eating bananas and spinach now, which are great sources to get it naturally.

Anyway, then I registered last night for CKU-Nashville (August 23-25th) ( with Lisa. It was so much fun... I'd told her about when I went to CKU-Indianapolis a few years ago with another friend, Michelle (actually - we aren't friends anymore) - I told her how "anxiety ridden" Michelle was during the registration - trying to get the "good" classes before they were sold out... the top classes usually fill up within the hour... Lisa is such a laid back person.
Well, it was funny because I had said to Don in the past couple of days that she'd be totally calm in getting registered... LOL... not so much! We were on the phone together and GRANTED... it was a little confusing how they had it set up... but she got a little more anxious than I've heard her get over something that didn't involve a person. LOL... Lisa, I love you and can't wait to do this with you. We are going to have so much fun!!! We will make memories that will stay with us until we are in our eighties. I'm so glad we got the classes we really wanted. I can't wait for you to take Tracy White's class and see how she gets you to think outside of the box when it comes to journaling and focus on the emotions of the moment instead of the actions.

We are registered for all the same classes - not that we had to be joined at the hip but we have such similar theories and interests in scrapbooking. We will be creating an entire album on Friday titled "The Story of Us" - and of course I am going to use it for an album of my long relationship with my amazing husband. Almost 16 years we've been married and we've known each other over 17 years. Isn't that crazy? Of course, I met him when I was 15! ;)

Then, LOST! Oh my goodness... I'm going to go through a grieving process this time next week after the season finale. I can't believe that we will have to wait until January 2008 to pick up where next Wednesday will leave off. It's the ONLY show on TV that I am sure to watch LIVE each week.

I love it - I loved it even when the majority of the fan base was groaning and complaining mid-season this year. Elizabeth Mitchell, Michael Emerson, Terry O'Quinn, Josh Holloway and Naveen Andrews... they are such amazing actors. I'm totally into all they mythology theories... listening to podcasts on my iPod while I work and every Thursday morning, while I eat my breakfast and drink my tea I read Ryan & Jen's blog ( they always have such insight to the show.

Anyway... off to a busy of day. Working with AC this morning, go to see Gran this afternoon, go take care of some things at her condo with Katie this afternoon, help Katie with her final social studies project of the year and then back to AC's tonight to help him learn how to set up projects in Entourage. YAY!

More later!
LA :)

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