Sunday, May 13, 2007

97 Pounds - Almost 100!!! YAY! I AM So loving so many things...

I am starting to be so excited about those numbers!! I am starting to enjoy shopping again and the neat thing is - I can fit into CHEAP clothes now - so I can go and spend $50 and get several cute shirts and it doesn't matter if they don't last more than just this summer because by next summer - they will be too big anyway! YAY! I have even lost weight in my feet - isn't that crazy? I'm down almost an entire shoe size and I can't even wear my riding boots anymore - they are HUGE.

I loved how much energy I had at Disney! I love how much energy I have when I go to the farm now! I love that I'm not the least bit worried to hop right up on Sunny or Belle.

I love that I don't walk into a room and scan the room to see if I'm the largest person in the room. I love that I don't see someone that I think "uh oh, I hope I don't look that bad" if it's someone who is a larger person.

I LOVE to fly and travel and I LOVE now that when I fly - there is room to spare on the seatbelt. I love that when I go through airport security - I have to take off my belt - I never wore belts before!! I never had pants that were loose enough to try to find a belt that fit.

I love that when I went shopping yesterday and got some cute cheap shirts that in the girls section, there was a matching top in Katie's size. How cool is that? We've never, ever been able to have like a matching mother and daughter outfit. Katie really likes for us to both wear pink, or both wear white tennis shoes, etc. So, she's gonna love having a matching top to wear occasionally.

I love that we are going to the mountains today for Mother's Day and we are going to go hiking, take photos and videos - all of us! We might even go back to that one horse riding facility in Townsend where in 1997 - I rode a horse that truly got mad at me for being on her. It's a steep trail ride up the side of a mountain and this horse snorted and stomped it's hooves at me the whole ride. Maybe, I'll just hop right up on a horse and ride up that mountain not worrying about it all.

I love the fact that I'm not taking as many antidepressants as I was before my surgery. I love that my body isn't as stressed hormonally and I'm sure that affects my mood.

I love that I am smaller than my husband. I love that I can put on one of his shirts and it's big on me. I love that he can put his arms around me and it's not a stretch for his arms. I love getting hugs from him now and hugging him right back!

I love the fact that I can swim easily again. I love swimming. I love swimming and having races with Katie. I can't wait for our pool to be up and running this week. I'm going to have the energy to keep up with playing in the water with her and her friends this year. Last year - they wore me out!

I love that when I went to go catch Belle yesterday and she thought "uh oh, the last time you caught me, I got drugged and had teeth pulled and then was so drunk on my sedation, I almost fell over" - thus she ran from me. I was able to run and cut her off at the pass. Then I ran some more until she finally realized, "I give up".

I love that when I set down to scrapbook now - I don't cringe if I see a picture of myself. If it is a before picture - I just think "thank goodness I took drastic measures and corrected the path I was on" or if it's a current picture - "wow, I look happy!"

I love that I have two happy cute puppy dogs to choose from when I go take my power walk. I love that I look forward to taking that walk. I love my Nike+iPod deal that Don got for me that keeps track of my walking and even motivates me.

I love that I registered for photography classes at UT and I'm not the least bit apprehensive about doing it by myself. I hope to get UT's photography certificate in the next year or so.

I guess I'm finally at the place that I thought I would never be. The first six weeks after my surgery were so tough with one complication after another - I swore that if I had it to do over again - I wouldn't. I swore I would never be at the place where I'd say it was worth it. Well, I think I'm finally at that place!

I know I still have a ways to go but I'm on my way - making progress. I look forward to weighing.

I'm loving my life! I'm off to live another exciting day of it hiking, riding and playing in the mountains.

Love - LA :)

PS - I know some of you are thinking "why on earth would you go on a trail ride on a rented horse when you own two...? Well, it's just another milestone! Most facilities say "No riders over 230 or 250 pounds"... That is no longer an issue! :)

1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful! Its fun reading about how happy you are. I love YOU!
