Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Disney's Year of Million Wishes & Katie Got One Of Them

It was unbelievable!!! I have some of my all time favorite memories just from today! We went to Magic Kingdom. I woke up this morning at 4:30 and never went back to sleep. Partly because I went to sleep so early last night and partly because I was TOO excited!

We got up, got our showers, went to breakfast and caught the bus to Magic Kingdom. We were there when the park opened and it was so neat – the characters performing and the best part was seeing it through Katie’s eyes. Her eyes were filled with wonder and happiness ALL DAY LONG (with one minor exception…more later).

We started off in Tomorrowland and the first thing we did was Buzz Lightyear. Katie loved it – and she isn’t even a fan of Toy Story… let alone Buzz…lol! From there – we met Stitch and he signed her autograph book and gave her such a big hug – it looked like he was choking her. YIKES! He’s a little scary! LOL!

Then, we did the Carousel of Progress which Don and I enjoyed but outside of Rover the animatronics dog – Katie was a little bored. From there we went to the Indy Speedway. I RODE with Katie – which was such an experience! She loved getting to drive. I got whiplash! LOL! We laughed so hard we almost passed out!

THEN THE MAGIC REALLY STARTED TO HAPPEN. We had prearranged with “Gifts of a Lifetime” to have Katie go on a treasure hunt through Magic Kingdom to find a birthday present that Simba from The Lion King (her favorite Disney character) left her. It was to start with a note left for her at 10:30 at the wishing well at Cinderella’s castle. Well, we had the wrong wishing well… but boy did that work out well.

We were approached by a Disney Cast Member named Phillip from Chattanooga, TN. He offered Katie some pixie dust to make a wish. Her wish was to go into Cinderella’s castle. After her wish – Phillip offered her an autographed certificate from all the princesses. Katie gave him a hug and thanked him. We thought that was the end of that… but it wasn’t.

We finally figured out the right wishing well that we were suppose to be at and there was a neat sign that was left saying “Happy Birthday Katie Samples….” And it went on to explain that Simba had been watching her and thought she was the best birthday girl in the park that day and wanted her to go on a treasure hunt to find a birthday gift from him.

The first clue was at Pooh’s playground. Katie and Don found the clue while I got in line to meet Pooh and get a picture… not for me… but for Katie to join in line once she found the clue! LOL! Katie met Pooh, got a hug and an autograph and then Phillip from Chattanooga showed back up.

He told Katie that he’d like to make a wish of her’s come true and asked if we could meet him at that same wishing well at 10:55. We said “SURE!!!!”
When we got there, he took Katie, Don and I into the back entrance to Cinderella’s castle and when we walked through the door… there was Cinderella, Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty & her prince, Snow White and her prince, Peter Pan and Wendy. Katie was in total amazement!!! She started talking to all of them like they were her friends and she’d known them forever. She even delegated the order in which they signed her autograph book. But, Cinderella was THE BEST! She was so kind and loving with Katie. Don and I BOTH had tears in our eyes! It truly was magical. We were there for about 30 minutes. When we were leaving – Katie was blowing kisses to them all saying “I will miss you all”.

Boy, did we ever thank Phillip up and down. What a cool job this man has making kids wishes come true!!! I can’t believe he tracked us down like that.

From there – we were back on the treasure hunt and we went to Liberty Square – to a Christmas shoppe where there was a clue hidden in a Christmas tree. That clue led us to Adventureland – to a trading post where Katie had to dig in a barrel of fake snakes to get the last clue. That clue took us to a garden in Pirates of the Carribean – where she found a present from Simba. It was a plush Simba and Nala. She was so excited!!!!

Then we ate lunch at El Pirates something. We had taco salads (no shell) and enjoyed the cool air and cool water/diet cokes.

From there – we headed to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad which Katie LOVED!!!! It was her first roller coaster and she is hooked!  Then we headed back to Tomorrowland because she wanted to ride the Tea Cups and Space Mountain. We had fun and got dizzy drunk on the Tea Cups. When we got to Space Mountain – when we saw that it was single rider cars – we should have turned around and left. Katie wanted to ride it and she was excited so we proceeded. It was horrible! Katie was in the middle car and she was scared, Don and I could hear she was scared and there was nothing we could do. I actually think it was worse for us than her. She was absolutely fine after the ride – she just simply stated that she didn’t want to ride it again. We had wobbly legs and were wiped out. It just hit us hard that she was scared and there was NOTHING that we could do – and we had done it to her. But, she rebounded fine and wanted to move on.

We rode the transit thingy around Tomorrowland and decided to call it a day. My calves started cramping (maybe not enough water coupled with how tense I got on Space Mountain). Katie wanted to go swimming so we headed back to Pop Century. She played and splashed and squealed the rest of the afternoon away.

Her and Don went to the food court for dinner. I didn’t want to do the dinner smells again. Once they were back in the room at 7pm, she barely got her pj’s on and she was DONE! While I’ve been sitting here writing this – she’s been talking in her sleep to Simba. Don and I have been cracking up!! She just said “Simba must be waiting for me”.

Tomorrow we are off to Animal Kingdom and her restaurantasarus breakfast in Dinoland. It’s her 8th birthday and I know she’s going to remember this forever!

We will too!

More later!
LA 
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1 comment:

  1. I had tears in my eyes when I read this post. I am so HAPPY that she had a great day!
