Sunday, July 22, 2007

Long Sad Sunday

Wow, what a hard day this was!! Don, Katie and I stayed at the Country Inns & Suites in Huntersville this weekend and there were 3 wedding groups there and I think they probably wiped out the local liquor stores... they were PARTIERS and it definitely affected our sleep on Friday and Saturday night.

Well, this morning, Katie woke up tired, cranky and complaining that her stomach hurt. We should have known something was really not good when she didn't want her typical Sunday morning pancakes.

Normally - I always have that "mom sense" kick in - almost too much so - being concerned that she's getting sick. I was so looking forward to spending more time with Kim and Sarah today... we started to get ready. I can't believe that I persisted on - not really realizing how bad Katie was starting to feel.

Well, we went to Mom and MomMom's first this morning and as soon as we pulled up to their carport - Katie starting getting sick. REALLY sick!

We would get her all cleaned up and situated and then there'd she go again. Most of you know about Katie ending up in the hospital on Sept 11, 2001 - she had a stomach bug but went into adrenal shock because of not keeping her meds down - so every time she gets sick at her stomach - I panic a little on the inside because that was such a scary thing.

Mom and MomMom thankfully loaded us up with plastic bags, a bucket that we were able to line with plastic bags, towels, wash cloths, Lysol wipes... they were all utilized on the trip home.

Mom and MomMom then called Aunt Linda to tell them that we were headin on back to Knoxville. That was at 10:30. We had to make MANY stops because poor thing - she'd fall asleep and as soon as she'd wake up - YUCK! We went strait to Children's Hospital and we got there at 3pm. It felt like the trip took 10 hours. Seriously!

On top of Katie being sick - Don's truck started having some kind of problem coming through the mountains. Didn't sound good at all. Glad it's under warranty. *sigh*

Anyway, once we got the ER - Katie was seen pretty quickly. They gave her meds to calm down her stomach and stop her vomiting and they gave her a steroid boost. They checked her potasium and electrolites and then we got to hang out until 6pm to make sure she was keeping down the meds and fluids - also waiting on the lab results.

She was the 38th child seen in the ER today for the "stomach bug". She's been doing very well since we got home - just zapped and wiped out. She will need some extra rest the next few days.

I was so sad not to see Sarah and Kim again. Don specifically promised Sarah yesterday that we would be back today. I was also very disappointed that we didn't get to see Ronnie and Stacy. I'd been looking forward to seeing them today too!!

Well, on a good note... here's some of the pictures from the kids playing on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully - we can manage to get back over there before August 15th when Kim and the kids head back.

LA :(

Friday, July 20, 2007

They Didn't Miss A Beat


What an amazing afternoon. I have to be honest... I was worried. I was apprehensive that it would be different being with Kim and that things would be different with Katie and Sarah... after all - they've been in Kuwait for almost two years - NINE thousand miles away... how could it not be different? How could it not be the same?... is more like it!!!

It was so good to see Kim and I couldn't stop giving Sarah kisses! I would take her home with us in a heartbeat! Wish we could!

In actuality, Katie and Sarah seemed closer than ever. Sarah had patience and compassion for helping Katie do some things that she'd never done - like a back flip on the swing set.

As much as Katie and Sarah always loved being together - they'd squabble over toys and tattle on each other and it was just so fun to watch them together now and how they'd both matured and it was almost like they'd done it together!

Jacob is a handful!! A real pistol... reminds me of Kim when she was little. He's a budding bilingual little guy - he's speaking English and Arabic. He's a cutie though. He really seemed to like Don. It was a little hard being around him because it put into perspective the LONG time span that we've gone without being together since the last time we were together - he was only weeks old. He's just turned two.

Sarah is such a ham for the camera. She'd see me aiming my lens at her and she immediately would strike a pose. She's so much fun to tease and pick on... has such a cute sense of humor, a flair for drama AND fashion. Kim says that they get a Paris fashion channel on their cable or satellite and that Sarah watches it weekly. Definitely could see that influence in her when she'd pose for some pics... so funny.

One thing that's always been so fun about seeing her and Katie together is they are TOTAL opposites but get along so well. Sarah use to have wild curls and it was long and a blondish color - where Katie's was short and strait. Now Katie has long hair and Sarah has short... but more importantly - they are opposites in personality. Katie loves to laugh but is typically very serious and analytical. Sarah is a free spirit and totally loves to cut up and joke.

She's a good big sister - letting Jacob tag along and he totally loves her. He would get so upset if Sarah and Katie took off into the house leaving him behind. He wanted to be right there with them - in the mix - having fun.

Don's gonna go back tomorrow afternoon and hang out letting the girls play and we will spend Sunday with them.

I'll be so sad to leave on Sunday knowing it will be at least a year before we see each other again. I wont be able to come back before they leave on August 15th.

I cried on the way back to the hotel tonight because I didn't realize how very much I've missed them. I really have. Kim and I are so much alike in our faith, our parenting philosophy(s), our outlook on life... and we LOVE to cut up and laugh.

Katie doesn't understand why we can't go visit them. "Mom, we fly to Florida, California, New York - why can't we fly to Sarah's...." How do you explain to an 8 year old girl about traveling overseas to a dangerous part of the world? Especially when you are trying to keep that same child shielded from the war and hatred...?

Kuwait is so far away and it's VERY expensive to get there... that's how! At least for now.

Two blogs in one day... that's a first!
LA :)

So Excited!!!

We are on our way to North Carolina this morning. It's the first time I've been over since the first weekend of April. I've lost 50 pounds since then!

I'm also so excited because my cousin Kim is home from Kuwait with Sarah and Jacob. I've not seen Kim in almost two years and I'm so excited to see her. Katie is very excited too! We've only seen Jacob once. We just got to Newport so three hours to go! YAY!

I'm also so excited to see everyone else. Love going "home"! Mom, MomMom, Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Linda have been so very supportive of my weight loss efforts. Uncle Ronnie has kept up with my weekly weight going down through MomMom... they've tracked the exact numbers together. I've gotten encouraging cards every couple of weeks from Aunt Linda.

Aunt Linda's brother recently passed away in Knoxville and I wasn't able to go to the funeral home because it was the day after I feel from my horse and I had to be in bed for 72 hours because of my concussion. Don went without me. I just can't wait to give her a big hug and tell her how much I love her!!

Mom has been saying that my face looks like it did when I was in high school! I just can't wait to see her.

But, it will be hard to say bye to Kim and Sarah again. I wish they didn't have to go back. I can't wait to get to know Jacob!

I'll be bloggin' pictures and stories on Sunday - I'm sure!

Happy Friday!
Leeann :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Farm Girls Clean Up Well

Mary (horse trainer, farm Mary) called Don on Saturday and said "I know Leeann has a lot going on right now but all the gals at the barn over 18 are having dinner Monday night and we'd like Leeann to come if she can".


I was a little apprehensive because I know Mary very well and Tedda is my good buddy but everyone else out there is just "acquaintances" and I've never really liked hanging out with just "acquaintances"

Well, I really liked hanging out with acquaintances tonight! I had SO MUCH FUN!!!

It was so fun to be out with those gals. There were 14 of us and it was amazing how good we looked compared to how we normally see each other. ESPECIALLY Mary and Amy - Amy is the other trainer at the barn. They looked amazing in real clothes and make! I wish I'd taken pictures!

We went to this new place called Seasons Cafe in between Campbell Station and Watt Road on Kingston Pike. It bills itself as "a hip, urban trendy style cafe where you have to pass fields and countryside that are spotted with cows to get to it".

It was trendy, hip and modern. AND VERY GOOD FOOD! And, no, I didn't go off my diet. I had a lean tenderloin and asparagus. YUMMY!

There was so much laughter. We talked about so much fun girl stuff. The ages ranged from 20's - 50's. The average was 35-40 though... so it was good. We talked about our girls (and a few boys) and our husbands. I loved that all these women who were married - had nice things to say about their husbands. But somehow, the conversation always came back around to our shared passion.... our horses!

Speaking of horses, Don has a lesson with Mary tomorrow night and Katie and I will spend time with Belle - if Katie is better.

So much fun! Hope we do it again and I'm so glad that I have the husband that I do. He knew I would have fun and I did. AND, he was patient and such a good dad and took care of cranky Katie - who has every right to be cranky with her yucky ear infection. She's turned into such a fish. She's swimming like crazy and we can't hardly keep her from diving down deep. This is the first ear infection she's had since March 2006... longest she'd ever gone. New set of tubes will be happening in late August. *sigh*

More later...
LA :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Gran


Gran has been a very special person in my life. I've been very blessed to have three of my grandparents in my life all the way into my mid 30's. I don't have any friends my age that still have more than one grandparent. Well, Grandad has been gone for almost three years and Gran's decline is rapidly picking up speed. It was amazing that she survived what happened to her in March - but she did. It was amazing that she finally snapped out of her "I hate my family for what they are doing to me" mode - but she did (for the most part).

She's finally accepted not being able to drive. She still has home health care seeing her three days a week. I got her on mobile meals. BUT, since she came home from the hospital on June 15th - she's lost another 10 pounds. She has not been taking her medicines (and there are A LOT) - including a nitro patch for her heart. I remind her every morning and my dad reminds her every night... to no avail.

Well, dad had to come back AGAIN this past Thursday and we took her to Dr. Jackson. Her bp was 190/140. Dr. Jackson really gave it to her telling her she would have more than likely had a stroke that night had she not come in. Dr. Jackson reviewed the month of notes and information from the home health care agency and determined that she is no longer capable of living unsupervised.

We hired a neighbor that lives a few condo's down from Gran to go in the morning and evening M-F - and to oversee her taking her meds - then I will do it on the weekend. This is just a temporary solution until my dad can get her into a nursing home in North Carolina. Dad and Marilyn argued with me for a few months concerning this but she needs to be closer to him. He's made 8+ trips since March... I've lost count. I've been really impressed with how he's tried to manage her care... much better than with Grandad. BUT, I've seen it take a toll on him too and he can't keep doing it.

Today was really good in some ways though. We took her to Kingston to see Jack and Sue, my grandfather's brother and his wife. I will never be able to thank them enough for what they did for Gran... allowing her to stay in her home. They purchased her condo when my grandfather passed away and have allowed her to live there rent free for the past three years. We had lunch at their beautiful home and Jack got on a roll telling us stories from the past. He had us laughing with tears in our eyes... great memory.

Then this evening, we picked up Shirley, the minister who married Don and I and one of Gran and Grandad's oldest friends - and the six of us went to Katie's favorite restaurant... of course - OUTBACK. Most kids her age want McDonalds, Chuckie Cheese or something along those lines. Katie wants HOT buffalo wings at outback with a sweet potato. ACK! Not quite sure how her stomach does it.

Shirley, Jack and Sue all saw Gran three weeks ago and all three couldn't believe the decline in just those three short weeks. Her short term memory has been an increasing concern and problem for months but now her long term memory is crumbling too.

It's broken my heart this weekend. I litterally see her declining every day. Every day her memory is worse. On Wednesday when the home health care nurse was concerned about her - she couldn't even remember my name.

Growing old in America without substantial assests is not a fun thing to watch. I've obtained every possible service out there - but so many have been cut in the past year.

The day she leaves for North Carolina is going to be very hard. She has been so frustrating over the past years - but you love people through the frustration.

This has been hard on Katie too. I've tried to be as careful as possible in all this with Katie because she analyzes everything so much and then obsesses about it... but she loves Gran so much.

So do I.

LA :(
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Shopping Is Much More Fun

And I guess that could be a dangerous thing! I went shopping yesterday and got some things that were on sale at Goody's and Fashion Bug for 40% off. I LOVE ZANADI jeans and skirts!!! AND, I LOVE big discounts. Guess what? I got capri jeans for late summer and early fall that are a size 16 and I can get them zipped. They are way too tight now but they will definitely fit by late summer or early fall. I think my goal to get into a size 14 by my birthday is obtainable! YAY!

Had a lesson at the farm last night. Went riding in the pasture - really just walking but once I was back on - WITH A HELMET - it felt good again. So glad! I just love Sunny & Belle so much!

Katie rode too! She got a little rattled after my fall but I think it's good in the long run because it's made her appreciate being careful a little more.

Don's gonna ride in the pasture tomorrow night and is pretty excited to get out of the arena! Please everyone tell him he needs a helmet too! After what happened with me - it's still not enough to convince him!

We are having a garage sale this weekend. How scary is that! I hate it - but we have sooooo much stuff to get rid off. Katie is such a great kid - she outgrows her toys and clothes with them being in great shape. I have WAY TOO MANY clothes that are in great condition that I've! Don too! He no longer wears an XXL. We are selling our riding lawn mower - Don decided it was ridiculous to have a riding lawn mower for our yard. I think he got it originally because every man has to have that awesome power tool machine... whatever! Like Tim Taylor from Home Improvement... we became homeowners and it was just the natural thing to do.

We've given a lot to charity and I've sold some on eBay but a garage sale is just a much quicker way to get rid of stuff.

More later! :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm lucky to call her my best friend


Lisa is truly ONE in a million!! I am blessed to have her as my best buddy!

When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.

You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.

We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007

All Is Right Again

  Yes, I feel better. MUCH BETTER!! We went to the farm tonight. First time back since the incident. Even though I am still dizzy, sore and bruised - it made everything better to see that I still am comfortable around Belle and Sunny.

We all three had a nice evening out there tonight. There are two colts and a filly that are just weeks old and we watched them play and annoy their moms... which was a lot of fun. Don got great pictures. Katie enjoyed being out there because it had been two weeks since she'd been out. Can't say enough about how that girl is totally in her element on the farm... the horses, Belle (not the mare, the Great Pyrenees watch dog), Coyte - the black persian barn cat - even Hitler the attack chicken... they all love Katie and she loves them RIGHT back!

Mary made me feel a lot better about everything with the fall. She told me that I did great... I stayed level headed enough to think through getting my left foot out of the stirrup before I fell... because it could have been much worse had my foot gotten stuck in the stirrup.

I know some of you don't understand but horses have really brought a lot of happiness to my life in the past year. Katie being around ALL animals brings out the best in her so that is a BIG reason. But, it's the one thing that has truly sparked a passion in me and brings me a lot of happiness. It gets me out in the fresh air... very sensory oriented. It's good for all of us. Definitely something that we can enjoy as a family.

I still haven't gotten a helmet because my head is still pretty sore and I still have a knot and wound. Mary is going to let me use hers if I haven't gotten one by next Tuesday because I'm gonna get back up Tuesday night.

Learned some lessons. Definitely going forward with those lessons learned.

Oh, AND GUESS WHAT ELSE!!!?? Guess what we got today!?

THANKS LISA AND RICK! :) REALLY!!! It's too cool for words. I honestly didn't think I'd like it... as usual - Don knew I would and I TOTALLY do!

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