Thursday, July 5, 2007

All Is Right Again

  Yes, I feel better. MUCH BETTER!! We went to the farm tonight. First time back since the incident. Even though I am still dizzy, sore and bruised - it made everything better to see that I still am comfortable around Belle and Sunny.

We all three had a nice evening out there tonight. There are two colts and a filly that are just weeks old and we watched them play and annoy their moms... which was a lot of fun. Don got great pictures. Katie enjoyed being out there because it had been two weeks since she'd been out. Can't say enough about how that girl is totally in her element on the farm... the horses, Belle (not the mare, the Great Pyrenees watch dog), Coyte - the black persian barn cat - even Hitler the attack chicken... they all love Katie and she loves them RIGHT back!

Mary made me feel a lot better about everything with the fall. She told me that I did great... I stayed level headed enough to think through getting my left foot out of the stirrup before I fell... because it could have been much worse had my foot gotten stuck in the stirrup.

I know some of you don't understand but horses have really brought a lot of happiness to my life in the past year. Katie being around ALL animals brings out the best in her so that is a BIG reason. But, it's the one thing that has truly sparked a passion in me and brings me a lot of happiness. It gets me out in the fresh air... very sensory oriented. It's good for all of us. Definitely something that we can enjoy as a family.

I still haven't gotten a helmet because my head is still pretty sore and I still have a knot and wound. Mary is going to let me use hers if I haven't gotten one by next Tuesday because I'm gonna get back up Tuesday night.

Learned some lessons. Definitely going forward with those lessons learned.

Oh, AND GUESS WHAT ELSE!!!?? Guess what we got today!?

THANKS LISA AND RICK! :) REALLY!!! It's too cool for words. I honestly didn't think I'd like it... as usual - Don knew I would and I TOTALLY do!

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