Sunday, July 22, 2007

Long Sad Sunday

Wow, what a hard day this was!! Don, Katie and I stayed at the Country Inns & Suites in Huntersville this weekend and there were 3 wedding groups there and I think they probably wiped out the local liquor stores... they were PARTIERS and it definitely affected our sleep on Friday and Saturday night.

Well, this morning, Katie woke up tired, cranky and complaining that her stomach hurt. We should have known something was really not good when she didn't want her typical Sunday morning pancakes.

Normally - I always have that "mom sense" kick in - almost too much so - being concerned that she's getting sick. I was so looking forward to spending more time with Kim and Sarah today... we started to get ready. I can't believe that I persisted on - not really realizing how bad Katie was starting to feel.

Well, we went to Mom and MomMom's first this morning and as soon as we pulled up to their carport - Katie starting getting sick. REALLY sick!

We would get her all cleaned up and situated and then there'd she go again. Most of you know about Katie ending up in the hospital on Sept 11, 2001 - she had a stomach bug but went into adrenal shock because of not keeping her meds down - so every time she gets sick at her stomach - I panic a little on the inside because that was such a scary thing.

Mom and MomMom thankfully loaded us up with plastic bags, a bucket that we were able to line with plastic bags, towels, wash cloths, Lysol wipes... they were all utilized on the trip home.

Mom and MomMom then called Aunt Linda to tell them that we were headin on back to Knoxville. That was at 10:30. We had to make MANY stops because poor thing - she'd fall asleep and as soon as she'd wake up - YUCK! We went strait to Children's Hospital and we got there at 3pm. It felt like the trip took 10 hours. Seriously!

On top of Katie being sick - Don's truck started having some kind of problem coming through the mountains. Didn't sound good at all. Glad it's under warranty. *sigh*

Anyway, once we got the ER - Katie was seen pretty quickly. They gave her meds to calm down her stomach and stop her vomiting and they gave her a steroid boost. They checked her potasium and electrolites and then we got to hang out until 6pm to make sure she was keeping down the meds and fluids - also waiting on the lab results.

She was the 38th child seen in the ER today for the "stomach bug". She's been doing very well since we got home - just zapped and wiped out. She will need some extra rest the next few days.

I was so sad not to see Sarah and Kim again. Don specifically promised Sarah yesterday that we would be back today. I was also very disappointed that we didn't get to see Ronnie and Stacy. I'd been looking forward to seeing them today too!!

Well, on a good note... here's some of the pictures from the kids playing on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully - we can manage to get back over there before August 15th when Kim and the kids head back.

LA :(

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