Friday, July 20, 2007

They Didn't Miss A Beat


What an amazing afternoon. I have to be honest... I was worried. I was apprehensive that it would be different being with Kim and that things would be different with Katie and Sarah... after all - they've been in Kuwait for almost two years - NINE thousand miles away... how could it not be different? How could it not be the same?... is more like it!!!

It was so good to see Kim and I couldn't stop giving Sarah kisses! I would take her home with us in a heartbeat! Wish we could!

In actuality, Katie and Sarah seemed closer than ever. Sarah had patience and compassion for helping Katie do some things that she'd never done - like a back flip on the swing set.

As much as Katie and Sarah always loved being together - they'd squabble over toys and tattle on each other and it was just so fun to watch them together now and how they'd both matured and it was almost like they'd done it together!

Jacob is a handful!! A real pistol... reminds me of Kim when she was little. He's a budding bilingual little guy - he's speaking English and Arabic. He's a cutie though. He really seemed to like Don. It was a little hard being around him because it put into perspective the LONG time span that we've gone without being together since the last time we were together - he was only weeks old. He's just turned two.

Sarah is such a ham for the camera. She'd see me aiming my lens at her and she immediately would strike a pose. She's so much fun to tease and pick on... has such a cute sense of humor, a flair for drama AND fashion. Kim says that they get a Paris fashion channel on their cable or satellite and that Sarah watches it weekly. Definitely could see that influence in her when she'd pose for some pics... so funny.

One thing that's always been so fun about seeing her and Katie together is they are TOTAL opposites but get along so well. Sarah use to have wild curls and it was long and a blondish color - where Katie's was short and strait. Now Katie has long hair and Sarah has short... but more importantly - they are opposites in personality. Katie loves to laugh but is typically very serious and analytical. Sarah is a free spirit and totally loves to cut up and joke.

She's a good big sister - letting Jacob tag along and he totally loves her. He would get so upset if Sarah and Katie took off into the house leaving him behind. He wanted to be right there with them - in the mix - having fun.

Don's gonna go back tomorrow afternoon and hang out letting the girls play and we will spend Sunday with them.

I'll be so sad to leave on Sunday knowing it will be at least a year before we see each other again. I wont be able to come back before they leave on August 15th.

I cried on the way back to the hotel tonight because I didn't realize how very much I've missed them. I really have. Kim and I are so much alike in our faith, our parenting philosophy(s), our outlook on life... and we LOVE to cut up and laugh.

Katie doesn't understand why we can't go visit them. "Mom, we fly to Florida, California, New York - why can't we fly to Sarah's...." How do you explain to an 8 year old girl about traveling overseas to a dangerous part of the world? Especially when you are trying to keep that same child shielded from the war and hatred...?

Kuwait is so far away and it's VERY expensive to get there... that's how! At least for now.

Two blogs in one day... that's a first!
LA :)

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