Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thank Goodness for Photography

"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees.” Paul Strand

I may not be an excellent photographer but I sure enjoy it. My real passion as I'm sure you all know is taking photographs of people, more specifically children, mainly Katie and horses and other animals.

I am loving my classes at UT and I'm working on completing the UT Photography Certificate Program. Last semester I took Advanced Photoshop and loved it! This semester, I'm taking Location Photography with Lynn Freeny who is the official photographer for the Department of Energy and an instructor for Pellissippi and UT. This is a Wednesday night class with a location photo shoot field trip every Saturday morning. Last Saturday, we went to Maryville and this Saturday we went to Market Square. Next Saturday, we are going to Hoopers Bald Trail Head on the Cherhola Skyway in Western North Carolina and the Saturday after that - Cades Cove.

We take photos as if we were given an assignment to promote the place we are shooting. The past two Saturday's - the sky has been bright and gray. It's been drizzling and damp. Not ideal! Then, the following Wednesday night in class - we critique each other's photos on the big screen. We have to pick 5 of our best... or at least 5 of the ones we think are our best.

I thought this would be great for me. I want to learn a lot more about composition and since I've had no formal training yet - it's been interesting.

Here are some of the photos I took last Saturday in Maryville with the comments that were made in class this past Wednesday...

I was told that this photo was framed well and was quite good except for the camera shake. I took a tripod with me on the shoot but didn't use it because one of the brackets broke. I still don't really see the "shake" but I'm not the expert. I think I may need to start wearing those contacts I just got. :)

Too touristy. We are suppose to get out of that mindset of being a tourist or traveler and taking "those kind of pictures". Also, the sky killed it! This needs to be run through Photoshop and work needs to be done on the sky.

There were no negative comments on this photo except that it may have worked better as a black and white... but I liked the pop of the color in the flag.

Most liked the symmetry of this photo but again it was noted that there was camera shake and the sky needed to be Photoshopped.

I had a child run at the ducks so that I could try to get them in flight. Cropping some of the top of this photo was recommended.

Most liked the composition of this except for the SKY!!! Dang that sky!

Today was actually a lot of fun though because I'm getting to know a lot of the other students and we have a good time together, laughing and cutting up and learning from each other.

You better believe that I kept my camera angled OUT OF THE SKY as best I could. I took a lot of photos of flowers in bloom and park scenes and architecture. I'll post the five pictures I pick for Wednesday nights class along with the comments on Thursday or Friday. Posting the comments will help me in looking back.

I'm also taking Fundamentals of Digital Photography with Tom Geisler. That is on Thursday night with two Saturday field trips. One of which is to Cades Cove. *sigh* I may take my bicycle on one of those.

It is funny how many people will ask us what we are doing. Today, Kari and I were walking down Gay Street and every building almost - a security guard came out and asked us what we were doing.

I start a Portrait Photography class in May when the Location Photography class ends. The technical aspects of photography have always made this whooshing noise as they went over my head. I understand computers inside and out. I can do all kinds of technical things with Don around the house, etc... but this has always eluded me. I'm hoping to grasp it move beyond taking snapshots and become a photographer.

It's hectic right now with all that's going on to have this as well... but I think it is also good for me. I'm meeting new and interesting people. I never would have struck out on my own two years ago and done this. Learning is always good especially when it is something you truly enjoy!!

LA :)


  1. I think your photos are beautiful! And yes, you are an excellent photographer. You are pretty much perfect in every way. Love you!

  2. Tennessee Mama DuckApril 6, 2008 at 4:45 AM

    LA! Are you interested in working as a photographer on some Saturdays and some evenings - taking little league kid's pictures? My dad owns a local franchise and is always looking for help. If you are interested, let me know and I'll hook you up!

  3. WHAT??? I can't believe you came to Maryville to take pictures and you didn't call me? LOL!!! Im just kidding. Great photos!!!! I started the NYIP school about a month ago. Can't wait to get better taking pics!!!
