Thursday, April 17, 2008

I feel like I'm back in high school

So tonight, I was really enjoying my fundamentals class and we took our normal half-way through break and when we came back into class, I was talking to my new friend Emily and instructor says "when Leeann stops chatting, we will resume our class". Whatever!! My face turned read, my ears felt like they were on fire... he had given no indication he was "resuming"... or I wouldn't have been chatting. You KNOW I LOVE to chat but I've never been a disruptive student.

My friend who took the class last semester said that she didn't care for him at all - she's from the west coast and pretty liberal and she thought he was a male chauvinist. I tried to keep and open mind... well tonight it closed.

I always get to class early because I enjoy the pre-class chatting and stuff. Well, tonight, he offered to give some "one on one" instruction on overexposure and underexposure. So, another gal and I were the only ones interested in doing we began. He was flying through the exercise and then he got annoyed that we were not going fast enough and really abrubtly said "thanks girls, for turning a 30 second exercise into a 10 minute ordeal..."

I think somebody needs a xanax and I already had mine for the day!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. I just want to march down there and give that guy a piece of my mind! How dare he talk to you like that. Grrr!
