Friday, April 11, 2008


I was very happy to see Friday arrive. It's been a long, long week. By last night, in my Fundamentals class, I was really struggling to focus and pay attention... drinking warm Diet Dr. Pepper to just get the caffeine boost to stay awake. I know it's been a very hard week for my aunt, after loosing her brother and I hope to see her again over this weekend. There were SOOOO many people at the funeral home on Wednesday evening. I got there at 5:03pm and it started at 5p... there was already an hour wait to see the family.

I started my TGIF by having breakfast this morning at IHOP with five other moms. My friend Sheila invited me. It's a group of women (normally larger group) that get together every 4-6 weeks for breakfast and they all have a child with special needs. It was a lot of fun... there was a lot of laughter. I ALWAYS laugh and have fun with Sheila but it was fun being in a group with a lot of laughter. It also helps to hear other mom's talk about their struggles and or happy moments - BOTH really. I look forward to the next breakfast.

Then I went shopping for spring clothes. Still in a 14 or 16 depending on where I shop. If it is expensive - I can wear a 14 but if it's cheap - sometimes a 16 is a squeeze.

I've still not lost one more pound. I went up one pound but have lost that. *sigh* I'm just trying to take one day at a time.

Dad's lymph node removal surgery is scheduled for May 13th. He will need to heal from that for a few weeks and then start the radiation and then move on to the interferon (chemo). He had a good appointment with his surgical oncologist yesterday and his spirits are pretty good. I'm so proud of how he's come to terms with this and that he did opt with the more aggressive treatment plan... it was iffy for a week or so. He and Marilyn are going to come over for a few days at the end of April before all this starts. I'm going to go over some this summer while he's doing the radiation and chemo. I offered to go for the surgery but Marilyn thinks he will appreciate and need the visits more when he's going through the treatment.

Well, I loved the photo shoot last weekend at Market Square but I got hit hard for the critique session on Wednesday night. I'm going to post a few of the photos. Don helped me pick the five to take to class... and Don's got a great eye. But, there were similar shots of some of my favorites by other students and the instructor LOVED those photos...

Oh well. Everyone's style and taste is different. I'm learning so much about composition and style, from the critiques on my photos and other peoples good shots and bad. I'm learning my new Canon 40D inside an out, which is very cool. I'm meeting new people and making some new friends.

This was the only photo that my instructor liked. Several people took pictures of this dancer statue but he did seem to really like this one... but nothing else.

I enjoyed being in Market Square and going down Gay Street and then into the Old City. Knoxville is going a great job of improving the downtown area. It's taken a LONG time but it is finally paying off.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Treemont for the photo shoot. Then, tomorrow night we are going to see Sugarland with Rick and Lisa. Really looking forward to that! :)

More later!
LA :)


  1. Maybe it's just me, but I loved all the photos you took. Besides, what does that guy know any way, you are a very good photographer and getting better every day. I love looking at your work

  2. Tennessee Mama DuckApril 14, 2008 at 10:55 AM

    Photography is an art! It is a matter of taste! You know what you like and that is what is important! I love all of your shots!
