Saturday, April 26, 2008

Apparently, I'm a tough gal

LOL! Fun quiz if you are a fan of LOST!! I love Elizabeth Mitchell and I love her character Juliet. I don't mind one bit that this silly little quiz said I was most like her! :) Oh, except for one thing... Don took it and it said that he was most like Charlie... Charlie is now dead and Charlie and Juliet would have never ended up together on or off screen... oh well! Silly quiz!

Happy Saturday!

LA :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Almost Three Down...

and three to go. I finished my Location Photography class tonight. I was actually a little sad... I've enjoyed it and I've learned a LOT about composition and learning to look for subjects other than the obvious. I have to complete the Fundamentals class (halfway done) and then take three more electives and I'll have my photography certificate! :) YAY! I'm not just doing this for that certificate though... I'm really enjoying learning!

I SOOOOOO want to take my Rebel to Disney. I'd never take my 40D but even my Rebel would be so cumbersome. If I was a spectator, like I was 142 pounds ago... I'd take my Rebel and get lost in the photography but I am soooo looking forward to riding rides with Katie and giggling and enjoying every moment. No matter how much you love photography - sometimes you have to enjoy the moment.

Last week at the farm, I missed some great, no FANTASTIC shots of Sunny kicking and bucking. She was going nuts with Spring Fever... and I just stood there with my mouth open and my camera aimed at the ground. I could have gotten some great shots - but I would have missed the feeling I got watching her. Same thing with Disney - if I take one of my "real" cameras - I'll get wrapped up in that and miss the "real moments" with Katie and Don.

Anyway, here are some of my shots from Cades Cove this past Saturday. My Fundamentals class is suppose to go to Cades Cove this Saturday... man! Tremont two weeks ago and then Cades Cove back to back Saturdays. Dad and Marilyn will be here this weekend so we will have to see...

This was actually my biggest "wow" picture of the whole class. I don't know that it was my favorite but everyone seemed to like it. :)

I got a lot of pictures of deer... I got really close to some. But, I was so excited, because I've never been close to Bambi before, that I didn't realize that my shutter speed was set too low and they were WAY overexposed. Cute shots that were not fixable. :(

Consensus was this should have been cropped tighter.

More later! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tremont Location Shoot

Here are some of my pictures from the Tremont Photo Shoot on April 12, 2008. Yesterday, we went to Cades Cove. I think I go back to Cades Cove next Saturday as well. Dad and Marilyn will be here so we may make a family day out of it. I got really close to some deer yesterday. I'll post those pictures mid-week.

I didn't go to my class Wednesday night because I was getting a Gizmo. I emailed these pics to the instructor but don't have feedback yet.

Did you see the ant on the bottom yellow flower? :) Click on the photo to enlarge it...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It Just Wasn't Meant To Be

Gizmo went back to the breeders this morning before I headed to Cades Cove. He is the sweetest little guy and Katie and I are sad - Don is too a little - but he left his mom too young. He was only 6 weeks old and he wasn't completely weaned apparently and he wasn't using the litter box.

The breeder told us that she'd hold him for us for a week if we want to try it again once he's matured a little. We will see... but I doubt it.

Katie knows how much he was missing his mom and I'm really proud of the fact that she was concerned for him instead of just sad for herself.

We have three dogs. I guess we need to keep it at that. I just miss an affectionate white fluff ball... nothing will ever replace Maggie but Gizmo was giving an awful lot of love.

LA :(

Friday, April 18, 2008

Who'd Ever Think A Gizmo Would Be Calming?

I had a panic attack this morning! I woke up thinking "what have we (I) done?" As cute as Gizmo is, I came close to taking him back to the breeder today. Don actually, the one who didn't want a cat, talked me into giving it a few more days. I think we got him too early... he wasn't completely weaned from his mom and the breeder assured us that he was eating kitten chow... but I've had to hand feed him practically. He has cried constantly - unless one of us is on the floor with him.

But then, calmer times prevailed. We've really been having some rough afternoons with Katie recently. She is trying sooooo hard in school but it's really starting to take a toll on her. She has so much determination and doesn't want special treatment or accomodations - but in reality - it takes her longer to do almost everything. So she comes home exhausted and frustrated.

Spending time outside with the dogs always helps... but of course, that isn't always an option. Today was a perfect day to be outside, but Katie spent the entire afternoon with Gizmo. She was calm - so was Gizmo. She was focused, responsible for his care and she was following directions wonderfully. Not to mention, she had so much fun playing with the cute little guy!

Additionally, not sure if it has anything to do with Gizmo, but Katie just in the past day or so has developed a sense of humor. Katie is so serious and analytical - sarcasim and most humor has always escaped her. But, it's like someone flipped a switch in her and she's been getting my silly jokes, she's been making jokes... it's been great!

So, we will give it some time. Gizmo was super cuddly and affectionate today... just seems like he's got some seperation anxiety. Just what we needed... a kitty who needs meds... :)

Don got his new Canon XL2 yesterday. So today, we went to the UT Trial Gardens and Market Square so he could just shoot and get some practice... and I worked on some assignments. It was a great day... except for the brilliantly bright sun. High noon... I had a lot of pictures that were overexposed. *sigh*

Although, I did get some neat shots of some bees enjoying the fragrant flowers. :)

So, tomorrow it's to Cades Cove. In the rain. Don and Katie are going to go with me. Other students brought friends, husband or boyfriend and a daughter last Saturday to Tremont... so we are going to make a day of it in the mountains...

If Katie can stand to be away from Gizmo that long.

Oh, and by the way, slowly but surely, the dogs and Gizmo seem to be getting use to each other. Maybe it wasn't the wrong thing to do after all.

We will see.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I feel like I'm back in high school

So tonight, I was really enjoying my fundamentals class and we took our normal half-way through break and when we came back into class, I was talking to my new friend Emily and instructor says "when Leeann stops chatting, we will resume our class". Whatever!! My face turned read, my ears felt like they were on fire... he had given no indication he was "resuming"... or I wouldn't have been chatting. You KNOW I LOVE to chat but I've never been a disruptive student.

My friend who took the class last semester said that she didn't care for him at all - she's from the west coast and pretty liberal and she thought he was a male chauvinist. I tried to keep and open mind... well tonight it closed.

I always get to class early because I enjoy the pre-class chatting and stuff. Well, tonight, he offered to give some "one on one" instruction on overexposure and underexposure. So, another gal and I were the only ones interested in doing we began. He was flying through the exercise and then he got annoyed that we were not going fast enough and really abrubtly said "thanks girls, for turning a 30 second exercise into a 10 minute ordeal..."

I think somebody needs a xanax and I already had mine for the day!

LA :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Well, there is never a dull moment in our lives, that is for certain! We had the hearing this morning in chancery court for me to have a conservatorship for Gran. What an experience that was. Chancellor Fansler was the judge... he finalized Katie's adoption eight years ago. Everything went well for the most part and the judge signed off on it.

Then we had to take Gran to the doctor for her B12 shot. I hope I can start giving her those because we waited almost an hour for her to just get a shot.

It was a beautiful spring day and I had a lot of work to do but also a lot of errands. Inside at the computer or outside with the sunroof open, good tunes on the radio, lunch with my husband and errands... which do you think I did! :)

Our last stop was Home Depot to get prices on some landscaping items we are going to be buying in the coming month. We came around the corner from the garden area and there was a lady that had a dog that looked JUST LIKE MAGGIE. I started crying! Thank goodness for sunglasses!!

I cried off and on all the way to Katie's school. When we got home, I started looking online at dog and cat breeds. We really didn't want to have another dog. No dog could ever replace Maggie.

It's been a month since we lost Maggie and just in the past few days - I had finally stopped crying daily. I knew the past 16 months that Maggie's time with us wasn't going to be much longer and so I thought I was prepared and ready to loose her. That was SOOOO not the case. I've missed her terribly.

I'm use to doing so much work on my laptop and was use to her being right there with me. If I was doing laundry, she was right there with me. If I took a nap - she was HAPPILY right there with me... it's been so much harder than I ever thought it would be.

Katie has been wanting a cat forever! She loves, loves, loves the cats at the farm. They seriously compete for her attention with the horses.

I loved my black persian cat, Smoky that I had years ago and I started researching the Himalayan's online and fell in love with the Blue Point Himalayans. This is the description of their traits and personality characteristics:

In personality, the Himalayan is a friendly, affectionate and mischievous cat. Easy going, gentle and friendly with humans and other pet animals, a Himalayan makes an adaptable pet. They are extremely playful cats always in the middle of all their human's activities, and express themselves with a wonderful melodious voice. Their quiet disposition, sweet pansy-faced expression and appealing blue eyes have make the Himalayan one of the most beloved of all pedigree cats. Himalayan owners find the breed irresistible and usually have more than one Himmie in their household.

Just so happens that I found a lady in Oliver Springs that breeds them and she had four kittens and one was a blue point himalayan.

Guess who joined our family tonight? Isn't he cute?

I always thought Don and I were going to have several children. Our hearts could not be more full of love for Katie than they are... but we can't have any more, adopted or otherwise. It just wouldn't be fair to Katie - or to us - since we don't have family in town other than Gran. So, we have animals. It benefits us AND Katie!

Any suggestions for names? Katie loves the name Gizmo, Don likes Coda and I like Ozzie and Oliver.

LA :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Some Believe In Destiny, Some Believe In Fate

...I believe that happiness is something we create"!!! That was just a brief snippet of the words we sang last night at the top of our lungs while we danced and had so much fun at the Sugarland concert. We went with Rick and Lisa and had a great time. I've always loved Sugarland... even before most people knew who they were.

The opening act was Little Big Town and I didn't even think I knew who they were but I definitely recognized some of their stuff and even really started liking them. They have a slightly country twist on a Fleetwood Mac style sound.

Actually, Sugarland brought Little Big Town out on the stage at the end and they did "You Can Go Your Own Way"... and then they did Def Leopard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me"! It was fun.

We had seats that were really high at the right hand corner of the stage but I loved it. We could see everything! It was at the coliseum which has sound so much better than Thompson Boling... had it been at TB, we probably would not have gone!

Taxes are almost completely done! So, today I am going to reopen my eBay store and list a lot of things to get spending money for Disney!! Twenty Eight - 28 days!! YAY! I'm ready for some "reality escape"! I think we all are!

Have a Happy Sunday!!
LA :)

Friday, April 11, 2008


I was very happy to see Friday arrive. It's been a long, long week. By last night, in my Fundamentals class, I was really struggling to focus and pay attention... drinking warm Diet Dr. Pepper to just get the caffeine boost to stay awake. I know it's been a very hard week for my aunt, after loosing her brother and I hope to see her again over this weekend. There were SOOOO many people at the funeral home on Wednesday evening. I got there at 5:03pm and it started at 5p... there was already an hour wait to see the family.

I started my TGIF by having breakfast this morning at IHOP with five other moms. My friend Sheila invited me. It's a group of women (normally larger group) that get together every 4-6 weeks for breakfast and they all have a child with special needs. It was a lot of fun... there was a lot of laughter. I ALWAYS laugh and have fun with Sheila but it was fun being in a group with a lot of laughter. It also helps to hear other mom's talk about their struggles and or happy moments - BOTH really. I look forward to the next breakfast.

Then I went shopping for spring clothes. Still in a 14 or 16 depending on where I shop. If it is expensive - I can wear a 14 but if it's cheap - sometimes a 16 is a squeeze.

I've still not lost one more pound. I went up one pound but have lost that. *sigh* I'm just trying to take one day at a time.

Dad's lymph node removal surgery is scheduled for May 13th. He will need to heal from that for a few weeks and then start the radiation and then move on to the interferon (chemo). He had a good appointment with his surgical oncologist yesterday and his spirits are pretty good. I'm so proud of how he's come to terms with this and that he did opt with the more aggressive treatment plan... it was iffy for a week or so. He and Marilyn are going to come over for a few days at the end of April before all this starts. I'm going to go over some this summer while he's doing the radiation and chemo. I offered to go for the surgery but Marilyn thinks he will appreciate and need the visits more when he's going through the treatment.

Well, I loved the photo shoot last weekend at Market Square but I got hit hard for the critique session on Wednesday night. I'm going to post a few of the photos. Don helped me pick the five to take to class... and Don's got a great eye. But, there were similar shots of some of my favorites by other students and the instructor LOVED those photos...

Oh well. Everyone's style and taste is different. I'm learning so much about composition and style, from the critiques on my photos and other peoples good shots and bad. I'm learning my new Canon 40D inside an out, which is very cool. I'm meeting new people and making some new friends.

This was the only photo that my instructor liked. Several people took pictures of this dancer statue but he did seem to really like this one... but nothing else.

I enjoyed being in Market Square and going down Gay Street and then into the Old City. Knoxville is going a great job of improving the downtown area. It's taken a LONG time but it is finally paying off.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Treemont for the photo shoot. Then, tomorrow night we are going to see Sugarland with Rick and Lisa. Really looking forward to that! :)

More later!
LA :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Nothing Can Be Certain Except For Death & Taxes

Who said that? Benjamin Franklin, I believe... well, it's true. It's that time of year and truth be told - taxes stink! The tax code definitely needs overhaul and I don't know how accountants do it. I only worry about our taxes - the stuff we give to our CPA and the pre-tax work I do for a client. And I loath it! Hate it! Can't imagine it consuming my life more than it does.

Death! My Aunt Linda, who I love so much, lost her younger brother, her only remaining brother today. He and his wife, his high school sweetheart, live in East Tennessee as well and today was a beautiful, warm, sunny spring day. So, he went out to enjoy the day, mow the lawn and do some work. Massive heart attack and now he's gone. He was such a nice, nice person. So full of life, laughter and vibrancy. Aunt Linda lost her youngest brother last June after a long battle with cancer. She didn't take the news today very well at all. Her and my uncle are on their way here tonight.

I knew him, not well, but the time I was around him - such a great guy! It's just sad for my aunt and the rest of his family. So sudden, no time to prepare - no goodbye... he's just gone.

Although, there is a blessing in that. I think. After what has been happening with Dad and watching Gran out live her mind... I think that there is truly a blessing in just going. One minute you are here... the next you are in heaven (hopefully).

I have such a strong faith in God and my eternal life. But, I have to be honest, the past months have rattled my faith a little. Actually, going back to when Grandad first got sick and was in a nursing home for a while... and there were so many elderly patients who didn't know where they were, so sick, laying in the hallways, the smell... and this is just a tiny corner of the not so glamorous side of life. What about children starving to death... people that die tragic drawn out painful deaths... It is just hard in my "humanness" to understand.

I guess there are some things that we will never get our minds wrapped around in this life. Hopefully, one day, it will all make sense.

I hope it will.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thank Goodness for Photography

"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees.” Paul Strand

I may not be an excellent photographer but I sure enjoy it. My real passion as I'm sure you all know is taking photographs of people, more specifically children, mainly Katie and horses and other animals.

I am loving my classes at UT and I'm working on completing the UT Photography Certificate Program. Last semester I took Advanced Photoshop and loved it! This semester, I'm taking Location Photography with Lynn Freeny who is the official photographer for the Department of Energy and an instructor for Pellissippi and UT. This is a Wednesday night class with a location photo shoot field trip every Saturday morning. Last Saturday, we went to Maryville and this Saturday we went to Market Square. Next Saturday, we are going to Hoopers Bald Trail Head on the Cherhola Skyway in Western North Carolina and the Saturday after that - Cades Cove.

We take photos as if we were given an assignment to promote the place we are shooting. The past two Saturday's - the sky has been bright and gray. It's been drizzling and damp. Not ideal! Then, the following Wednesday night in class - we critique each other's photos on the big screen. We have to pick 5 of our best... or at least 5 of the ones we think are our best.

I thought this would be great for me. I want to learn a lot more about composition and since I've had no formal training yet - it's been interesting.

Here are some of the photos I took last Saturday in Maryville with the comments that were made in class this past Wednesday...

I was told that this photo was framed well and was quite good except for the camera shake. I took a tripod with me on the shoot but didn't use it because one of the brackets broke. I still don't really see the "shake" but I'm not the expert. I think I may need to start wearing those contacts I just got. :)

Too touristy. We are suppose to get out of that mindset of being a tourist or traveler and taking "those kind of pictures". Also, the sky killed it! This needs to be run through Photoshop and work needs to be done on the sky.

There were no negative comments on this photo except that it may have worked better as a black and white... but I liked the pop of the color in the flag.

Most liked the symmetry of this photo but again it was noted that there was camera shake and the sky needed to be Photoshopped.

I had a child run at the ducks so that I could try to get them in flight. Cropping some of the top of this photo was recommended.

Most liked the composition of this except for the SKY!!! Dang that sky!

Today was actually a lot of fun though because I'm getting to know a lot of the other students and we have a good time together, laughing and cutting up and learning from each other.

You better believe that I kept my camera angled OUT OF THE SKY as best I could. I took a lot of photos of flowers in bloom and park scenes and architecture. I'll post the five pictures I pick for Wednesday nights class along with the comments on Thursday or Friday. Posting the comments will help me in looking back.

I'm also taking Fundamentals of Digital Photography with Tom Geisler. That is on Thursday night with two Saturday field trips. One of which is to Cades Cove. *sigh* I may take my bicycle on one of those.

It is funny how many people will ask us what we are doing. Today, Kari and I were walking down Gay Street and every building almost - a security guard came out and asked us what we were doing.

I start a Portrait Photography class in May when the Location Photography class ends. The technical aspects of photography have always made this whooshing noise as they went over my head. I understand computers inside and out. I can do all kinds of technical things with Don around the house, etc... but this has always eluded me. I'm hoping to grasp it move beyond taking snapshots and become a photographer.

It's hectic right now with all that's going on to have this as well... but I think it is also good for me. I'm meeting new and interesting people. I never would have struck out on my own two years ago and done this. Learning is always good especially when it is something you truly enjoy!!

LA :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What An Emotional Roller Coaster

Dad had an appointment with a specialist in Charlotte today and that appointment was a huge let down after the great news from yesterday that his cancer had not spread. This doctor is very well respected in treatment of Melanoma but he was quite harsh with the facts... which is not a good way to approach things with my dad.

He told Dad he had a 50/50 chance of beating this if he went with the most aggressive treatment - which includes going back in for additional surgery to remove more of the area around the tumor and removing at least 50 or more lymph nodes.

Then he would do six weeks of radiation and then he would do six weeks of interferon, which is a concentrated form of chemotherapy. The doctor told him that he would become extremely sick during the interferon treatment. He said he was only recommending this to Dad because he is seemingly healthy otherwise - no heart disease, no diabetes, etc... He said at the age of 65 - if he had any medical condition, he would not be strong enough to endure the interferon.

He went on to tell Dad that he wasn't convinced that the cancer has not spread... stating that it could have spread and been so small at this point that the PET scan didn't detect it yet.

I tried to be as upbeat as possible but it's hard because I'm going on this emotional roller coaster with them... great news one minute and the sky is falling the next.

Additionally, Gran's memory continues to worsen daily.

Well, back to taxes. "Someone" decided on April 1st to not file their typical extension - so what normally takes me four+ weeks to do, I have to complete in a matter of days... in addition to the three photography classes that I have at UT right now.

I'm definitely spending Friday morning at the farm after I go to the doctor though. I need some farm fresh air and equine therapy! :)

Please continue to keep my dad in your prayers. Also - me too - that I can be a source of encouragement even though I'm having a hard time staying positive myself.

LA :)