Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm Down 136 Pounds, It's Wacky Wednesday & Don's Heading To TWO Bootcamps

Well, I'm at 197 and that is a total loss of 136 pounds! I can't believe that I managed to loose two pounds this week because we ate yummy food in Nashville (with too many carbs) all weekend but I've also been working very hard since I got back. I've done water aerobics twice and was out at the farm doing some pretty hard work. And, I've also started walking again! Also, I got right back on track with eating right. I've posted a picture taken today and then one that was taken somewhere around my heaviest in November 2006. Still have a ways to go... my family doctor put my goal at 150-160 and then to re-evaluate. My surgeon has my goal at 130. We will see. I'm just happy to be "aware" of every pound, of what goes in my mouth, or being able to "sample" something without going overboard and I will definitely never wear "stretchy" clothes again! Everything will have a defined waist line.

Well, it's Wacky Wednesday. Not quite sure exactly what all that entailed yet - all we know is Katie was so cute yesterday afternoon. She came home from school, announced that she had to "plan" because tomorrow was going to be Wacky Wednesday. She pulled out a pink hat, a pink t-shirt, pink socks, a pink hello kitty ring, her pink new balance tennis shoes, a pink belt, pink stuffed kitty cat AND last but not least - her cool chick pink sunglasses. This is how she set off to school this morning. She told us she was suppose to dress "wacky". Wacky it was! There was nothing in her backpack discussing this so we were a little worried but as Don was dropping her off this morning - he noticed other "wacky" dressed kids and also heard Richard, the principal, discussing Wacky Wednesday on the intercom.

Don is heading to two bootcamps in September! The first is the eBay Bootcamp Palm Springs with me September 13-16th. I'm going as a TA to help Lynn. YEAH! I was her most successful student from the bootcamp last year so I get to go all expenses paid to help out with this one. Don is going to do the video taping and then he will edit the footage to turn over to her and she will give to a distributor to have DVD's made to sell. Katie will only miss one day of school and she's getting to do a very cool kids camp like she did at eBay Live in Boston. She's excited about going to the dessert. We plan to do a "twilight jeep tour" where you get to see the sunset and hear the coyotes howl at the moon. She will love that!

The second bootcamp that Don is doing is a fitness/nutrition bootcamp. Don has been stuck - he lost 30 pounds and has put back on a few. The thing with "the bad gym" really bothered him so yesterday we started searching for other options. He did call "the bad gym" yesterday and had a long talk with the manager - telling him our "concerns" and that we planned to break our contract, that we had pictures, etc. Don is excited and nervous about doing this - but I think it will be good. It will be tough - it's 30 days long, has a lot of accountability and he will have to be up daily at 5:30am. YIKES!!

I'm going to start working with the water aerobics instructor that use to be at "the bad gym" and I'm signed up to have 12 sessions one on one with her. Also, I plan to start doing water aerobics 3x a week at the YMCA. She does classes there now and we visited yesterday - they check the water HOURLY at the Y. The water was crystal clear blue and you could smell the chlorine. She has the BEST water aerobics class that I've ever taken - so upbeat - great music and you WORK! But, you feel great afterwards.

That's about all I have to update for now. We have a lot going on in the coming week though so there will definitely be more later!

LA :)


  1. Babe, you look wonderful, I am so proud of you. The two photos really shows how much work and effort you have put into this. WAY TO GO!!!!

  2. WOOHOO!! 197!!! just incredible. Nice job!!!!

  3. I am so proud of you!
    You are just AWESOME
    and such an inspiration!!!


  4. Leeann! YOU look GREAT! I have not seen any pics of you since we first talked! I am so happy for you!! I had my surgery almost 1 month ago and my husband had his almost 1 week ago. I am so curious to the details of your journey these last few months!

  5. eBay Gal in TennesseeSeptember 2, 2007 at 3:54 PM

    Jennifer - if you happen to be in the comments again - email me at I don't seem to have your email address anymore. I'd love to chat with you!

  6. You look B - E - A - UTIFUL!!!
    Onederland definitly agrees with you!
    Love ya!
