Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So glad things never change with us

I just got off the phone with my cousin, Kim. Tears streaming down my cheeks...She leaves with Sarah and Jacob to head back to Kuwait tomorrow. I'm so disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time with them while they were home... but like we were just talking about - we are so blessed to have the relationship that we do. We can talk daily or we can go three months without talking and it's like we never missed a beat! It's always been that way... even when we were kids and our topics of conversation were cartoons and toys!

I'm so very proud of her. She's become such a strong woman and an amazing mother. Sarah - just love her so much! She's amazing. I know it sounds crazy but I was so nervous about seeing Sarah this summer. I was so worried that being in the culture of the middle east would have changed her sense of humor and her light heartedness... but it totally hasn't. It hasn't Kim either. And Jacob - he's just a cutie! It's so neat to hear him talk and to try and figure out what he just said... all toddlers are like that - but especially bi-lingual toddlers... he speaks English and Arabic.

I don't mean that to sound stereotypical... Kim has just told us so much about their life there. There is much that they like - but it is definitely different. It seems hard to believe that people wouldn't change living in such a different culture. I know I would be "different" if I lived in California - let alone outside of America.

Anyway - she's got a long trip ahead of her tomorrow... going through Germany. I know many of you know her - please keep her and the kids in your prayers the next 30 hours. When she made this trip two years ago - Jacob was three months old and wasn't mobile... much different now. He's TWO!

It just amazes me... like I said - she's grown into such a strong woman. She'd never traveled - only to Tennessee and ONE trip to Florida...in her childhood and her adult life and now she is making her THIRD trip - half way around the world - with two children!

I love you Kim!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute picture! Which one are you? I'm going to guess the blond.
