Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Last Day of Summer Vacation

I feel like I blinked and it's over!! I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I had mixed emotions about Katie's summer vacation coming to a close... still do. Although - some good things have happened in the past week.

Monday was a fun day. We were eating lunch at Five Guys (surprise!) and we ran into Ms. Huffstutter (now Mrs. Dean). She was Katie's 1st grade teacher! It was so good to see her. She was with a group of teachers from the school... Well, when we got home - we had a message from Dr. Bunney (yes, that is really her name). She is Katie's resource teacher and has been since Kindergarten. She told us that if we could come to the school at 1:30 - she'd give us a tour so Katie could start getting familiar with the new school and we could have a little one on one time with her new teacher - since it's pretty hectic at the open house.

We did! It was great! Things were crazy hectic - we didn't see how it would be possible for them to get the construction wrapped up in time for school to start tomorrow - but when we went back last night for the open house - they'd pulled off the impossible and gotten it all done.

We met her new teacher, Ms. Crawford and she is wonderful. Much like Ms. Huffstutter. AND Lily is in Katie's class. Ms. Huffstutter requested that Katie and Lily not be seperated. Lily is an advanced student who loves Katie and because she does so well - she can take time to help Katie at times. Which is awesome!!

It was so great to see Katie and Lily together last night at the open house!! They were so happy to be together again. Jennifer (Lily's mom & I) were fussing at each other for not contacting each other over the summer. We both compared notes on how it FLEW BY!!!

Thank heaven for Mr. Ward - the principal - who has yet to let us down in Katie's early education!! He is truly a blessing because EVERYONE that has been a part of Katie's early education years has been amazing!!

Gran is doing much better. I think some of the medicine that Dr. Jackson has her on has started making a difference and now that we are ensuring that she is getting it regularly... it does seem to be making things better. We took her to the dentist to finish up her denture fitting on Monday and then took her to Kroger. She did good - it wore us out - but she did good. :)

More good news!! We have found a good babysitter - her name is Melissa and Katie had a great evening with her! We actually had a date tonight! Went to Season's Cafe - met the head chef who is so very nice! Then we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum... so good! It was so nice to have a date with my husband!

Today, we went to Splash Country! It was SOOOO VERY HOT but so much fun!! So sad that summer is over but I'm also so excited and hopeful of Katie getting started in the 2nd grade!! I hope it really is off to as good of a start as it seems.

Heading off to the first day of school in the morning - with my camera in tow of course! 2nd grade... unbelievable! Cherish every moment because they seem to be going by so quickly!!!!

More tomorrow I'm sure!
LA :)
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1 comment:

  1. You should very truly cherish every single moment. Before you know it she will be working at Old Navy and reminding you that she is almost an adult and that she "already knows everything, thank you very much." lol.
