Friday, September 7, 2007

Self Imposed Craziness!!

Okay - had a little bit of a overstressed meltdown yesterday but it's all good now!!! I just got a little overwhelmed because I'm a list, schedule and calendar person and I use to be so organized - key words "use to be".

We leave for Palm Springs on Thursday! I have much to do to prepare for that trip and the class. Lynn has gotten us a private viewing of an estate sale in Palm Springs on Friday evening! How cool is that? I told Don we may have to drive home... I'm definitely taking an extra suitcase. Although - I have boxes of stuff I collected over the summer to list on eBay... I just have had NO TIME!

I have hit a very crazy patch with my work - tax crunch - moved back a little due to financing for a huge project. Normally - this crazy tax crunch doesn't happen until late September - last minute of course. Well, now - I'm spending hours trying to get his excel workbook updated for the CPA's. I export his general ledger to a pre-formated workbook in excel that has tax schedules. Then, I litterally have to go line by line on this 100 page general ledger and move each tax related item to a schedule and then note which schedule it was moved to... this is to ensure that he doesn't have anything over looked. I never thought the CPA even used this until last year and he told me that it actually does save them hours or work... and my rates are definitely cheaper than the CPA... so onward! *ugh*

My dad is in town for two weeks to help out with Gran - but then what happens is - I end up helping Dad. AND, his life is crazy right now too because he and Marilyn are juggling real estate transactions!!! *ugh*

I've been trying hard to at least go to the farm 3x a week. I have two standing lessons with Mary - Don sometimes takes one. Then I try to just go once to practice things I have learned in the lessons or just spend time. Sometimes just spending time out there - unstructured is so relaxing! Belle is coming along so well. She is such a quick learner!!

Katie wants to join Girl Scouts and they want me to be a troup co-leader. I guess because of my schedule - that scares me. But I can't not do it...

I start my evening classes at UT this week. So excited about that! I've been getting the pre-class homework and emails from the instructors. I think it's going to be great!!

Speaking of UT - Mary, one of my dad's old friends from high school got us all tickets for today's game - the home opener against Southern Miss. Katie is so excited. She has never been to a game before. We are going down early to tailgate - go to the Vol walk and the parade. She can't wait! She has all her UT garb lined up to wear - she will be quite the little "vol fan".

I've started working out at the Y this week. We don't have our issues completely settled with "the bad gym" yet but the Y is month to month - so no long term high pressured commitment. Plus, the cost of the Y is less monthly than one nice dinner out - that's so reasonable. ANOTHER PLUS - I have met the nicest people this week at the Y! REALLY NICE! Such a nicer atmosphere than "the bad gym". I did water aerobics 4 times this week. Loved it! I'm starting personal training sessions with Anna on Monday the 17th when we get back from California. I'll be working with two other girls which will help keep the cost down of having a "semi-private" session 2x weekly.

I got fussed at BADLY when I saw Dr. Boyce and Kelly (exercise physiologist) - they told me that if I didn't start making exercise a top priority CONSISTENTLY in my life - that I would regain weight! So - it's going to be a top priority. Oh but get this - the hard physical labor that we do at the farm doesn't count as exercise - that was figured into my lifestyle to bump it from sedentary (because of all the computer work I do) to moderate. *sigh* So even on farm days - I need to walk two miles, do resistance or water aerobics. I HAVE to exercise for minimum 45 minutes daily SIX days a week. I'm looking forward to cooler weather so I can do some outdoor walking with Sophie and Hogan again in the park. I walk faster in the park than I do on the treadmill.

Spent the morning on Friday with my new good friend Sheila. She's truly one of the nicest people I've ever met. Such a happy upbeat person - I love it when our girls have sessions together at at STAR - that's where I met her - at STAR. She has two beautiful girls. I've been talking to her about Mary Kay since December before my surgery. We'd been trying to get together for months to play with makeup and her do a makeover on me! It was so much fun and I'd been putting off buying my usual Estee Lauder for months to give Mary Kay a try. I loved how some of the skin care stuff made my skin feel - better than Estee Lauder and not quite as $$$ - almost but not quite. I think I'm really gonna like it!

Don starts his boot camp on Monday! Big day! 5am wake up call. Is it really legal to get up at 5am for exercise???? I may do the Leslie Sansone videos while he goes to boot camp since I will be awake. I do like exercising first thing in the morning because then "things" can't interfere during the course of the day. Then, if I do water aerobics or work with Anna - it's just extra bonus exercise, right? He got the diet plan from the boot camp the other day and we have to go to the grocery store tomorrow to get ready. Not too big of a change other than what we already have - except now he can't have diet soda either. I have been drinking it some - but just occasionally. If it works well for Don during September - he may do it in October as well. Sandra and Brian may join him. It's cheaper than weight loss surgery.

Also, speaking of WLS... we know of a couple in California that had the surgery 3 weeks apart - they both had it. The husband experienced the same complication during surgery with his small intestines being shorter than the average person which made it a hard "reconnection" and then the same thing happened with him developing and abscess like I did four days post op - he died. He did not make it! I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. WLS is definitely not the EASY WAY OUT. I keep telling people that I didn't have brain transplant surgery - it's going to be an ongoing struggle emotionally and physically for the rest of my life.

We couldn't get Tina to house-sit/pet-sit for this trip because Sandra and Brian are going to San Francisco for a wedding. Man, did that make us appreciate her SO VERY MUCH! We've had to scramble to come up with an alternative solution and I do mean scramble.

Off to STAR, Oak Ridge WLS support group and then the big game! Then, tomorrow I will be in front of this laptop ALL DAY LONG! My client will loose his ever loving mind if I don't have this tax workbook done before I get on that plane Thursday!

No worries! Right! LOL!
Have a happy and blessed September Saturday!! GO VOLS!!!!
LA :)

1 comment:

  1. As your best friend who cares for you deeply, I must say to you.....JUST SAY NO!!!!!
