Sunday, September 16, 2007

No Air Conditioning In The Desert?

We had a jam packed day yesterday! It was go, go, go! Especially for me - who was up at 5am PST to hit the road for the sales. It was quite an experience!! I truly do love it here - the garage and estate sales here are TOTALLY different than they are in the east and south. It was also interesting to go into these homes for the estate sales - they look like little desert bungalows from the outside but are surprisingly open and airy on the inside.


We piled into like six cars and caravaned around Palm Desert, La Quinta and Indio. We hit like 8 sales and stopped for breakfast (Lynn's treat - thanks Lynn!!). Elizabeth and I had fun together - we are similar in nature for hitting these sales - we are strategic and competitive - it was pretty funny!

We have decided that I am going to come out to San Diego one weekend maybe late in the year or the first of the year and spend it with her and then she is going to come and visit me in August for the Hwy 127 sale. She has an amazing eye. I passed up numerous items that she got and they all turned out to be things like Staffordshire, Lennox, etc.

I did however have a pretty nice SCORE! One of the first places we went - an estate sale - it was insane. There were 50+ people (a lot of mexican's) waiting for the doors to open at 7:30am. I got an antique silver tea pot that has a patent stamp of 1868 and I paid $2... well, I also got a nice piece of pottery - it had a blank sticker on it... so I asked the lady - "since this isn't marked... is it free?" She hemmed and hawed and I convinced her to give me both items for $2 - so I did get it for free. Well, when I researched it yesterday afternoon - it is a Hosanna piece. It is communion pottery and the value is $50-60... how cool is that?

Well, I am going to be on Lynn's crazy new infomercial that will be airing in a few months. I did the interview last night at 5pm. Don will be on it too. More details on that later but filming it was quite an experience. That dog gone camera has been in my face all weekend.

We went out with Katie last night for dinner and exploring around Palm Desert and La Quinta as the sun was setting - JUST BEAUTIFUL! We actually noticed that it was much cooler - 90 degrees... well, when we got back to our room at 8pm PST... it was hotter in our room that it was outside - or so it seemed. Our room was 84 but stagnant. It took over an hour to get it fixed - they couldn't move us because they are booked! But, we were creative and got through it.

We are leaving today at 1p and get in at 10:30. It will be a fun travel day!

Happy Sunday!!
LA :)

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