Friday, September 14, 2007

I don't know how I'm still sane and we may move to the desert!


NOT! But it is turning out to be a nice place to have run away to! :) It was just absolutely CRAZY to get out of town - it's never been that bad. I was so overwhelmed with work, pressure and deadlines. Work with this man is getting to be more than a full-time job! But, once those wheels lifted off the runway at the Knoxville airport - I sighed a big sigh of relief and we were on our way.

Katie is just the best little traveler. She is so polite to EVERYONE! So well mannered! She loves flying! She is a PRO getting through security. Yesterday - Don got pulled, scanned, wanded, etc. and it caused us to get a little flustered - but not Katie. She jumped right in grabbing our carryon items off the security belt and helping to compensate for the fact that we temporarily lost Don.

I think she thrives on the stimulation she gets when we are on the go. Travel has seriously become our favorite thing to do as a family - well, second to time on the farm.

Anyway - it was 84 in Dallas and it felt hotter than the 100 degrees when we landed in Palm Springs - at 8pm PST. It was beautiful flying in though - the sun was starting to set and I actually - from the air - think that the desert is amazingly beautiful. This is a picture I took through the dirty window on the plane as we were coming into Palm Springs.

It will be just like last year though - I will be in awe and amazment of the beauitful scenery - like I was driving down the PCH from San Fransico to LA - but then I will get tears in my eyes as we fly back into the beautiful setting of East Tennessee. It's fun to go new places but there's no place like home!

Oh, the airport in Palm Springs was an open air airport. It was beautiful and so different than anywhere we've ever been before. Also, this is far different than anywhere we've been in California. It was a 45 minute drive to La Quinta and the roads where nice and well marked - everything seems new too which I thought was odd.

Well, we are off for our jam packed day. Hopefully, we can take in some local sites tonight!

More later!
LA :)
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