Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm Down 136 Pounds, It's Wacky Wednesday & Don's Heading To TWO Bootcamps

Well, I'm at 197 and that is a total loss of 136 pounds! I can't believe that I managed to loose two pounds this week because we ate yummy food in Nashville (with too many carbs) all weekend but I've also been working very hard since I got back. I've done water aerobics twice and was out at the farm doing some pretty hard work. And, I've also started walking again! Also, I got right back on track with eating right. I've posted a picture taken today and then one that was taken somewhere around my heaviest in November 2006. Still have a ways to go... my family doctor put my goal at 150-160 and then to re-evaluate. My surgeon has my goal at 130. We will see. I'm just happy to be "aware" of every pound, of what goes in my mouth, or being able to "sample" something without going overboard and I will definitely never wear "stretchy" clothes again! Everything will have a defined waist line.

Well, it's Wacky Wednesday. Not quite sure exactly what all that entailed yet - all we know is Katie was so cute yesterday afternoon. She came home from school, announced that she had to "plan" because tomorrow was going to be Wacky Wednesday. She pulled out a pink hat, a pink t-shirt, pink socks, a pink hello kitty ring, her pink new balance tennis shoes, a pink belt, pink stuffed kitty cat AND last but not least - her cool chick pink sunglasses. This is how she set off to school this morning. She told us she was suppose to dress "wacky". Wacky it was! There was nothing in her backpack discussing this so we were a little worried but as Don was dropping her off this morning - he noticed other "wacky" dressed kids and also heard Richard, the principal, discussing Wacky Wednesday on the intercom.

Don is heading to two bootcamps in September! The first is the eBay Bootcamp Palm Springs with me September 13-16th. I'm going as a TA to help Lynn. YEAH! I was her most successful student from the bootcamp last year so I get to go all expenses paid to help out with this one. Don is going to do the video taping and then he will edit the footage to turn over to her and she will give to a distributor to have DVD's made to sell. Katie will only miss one day of school and she's getting to do a very cool kids camp like she did at eBay Live in Boston. She's excited about going to the dessert. We plan to do a "twilight jeep tour" where you get to see the sunset and hear the coyotes howl at the moon. She will love that!

The second bootcamp that Don is doing is a fitness/nutrition bootcamp. Don has been stuck - he lost 30 pounds and has put back on a few. The thing with "the bad gym" really bothered him so yesterday we started searching for other options. He did call "the bad gym" yesterday and had a long talk with the manager - telling him our "concerns" and that we planned to break our contract, that we had pictures, etc. Don is excited and nervous about doing this - but I think it will be good. It will be tough - it's 30 days long, has a lot of accountability and he will have to be up daily at 5:30am. YIKES!!

I'm going to start working with the water aerobics instructor that use to be at "the bad gym" and I'm signed up to have 12 sessions one on one with her. Also, I plan to start doing water aerobics 3x a week at the YMCA. She does classes there now and we visited yesterday - they check the water HOURLY at the Y. The water was crystal clear blue and you could smell the chlorine. She has the BEST water aerobics class that I've ever taken - so upbeat - great music and you WORK! But, you feel great afterwards.

That's about all I have to update for now. We have a lot going on in the coming week though so there will definitely be more later!

LA :)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Don is just phenomenal! He's better than any genius I ever worked with!

(Maybe the text of this posting wont disappear like my Picklelicious posting did. I've been getting emails asking what the heck picklelicious!)

Anyway, to state again - "Don is just phenomenal - he's better than any genius I ever worked with" - those were the words I heard from someone today! Someone that I have now worked with for 12 years - he may drive me crazy most times - but I actually got a little jealous - of my husband - lol!!

Don has been helping this man once or twice a week, in the evenings, for a while now with his "system". He has always wanted a "system" - in computerspeak. Bless his heart - he thinks a computer can "do it all" and by gosh - Don is almost proving him right! Don has really gotten a thorough grasp on the MAC operating system and many of the applications and he has this man doing cartwheels - well not really - he did just turned 80 after all. However; for someone who is 80 - he is amazing in keeping up with technology and being crazy busy in real estate development.

Anyway, I've teased Don all day today - telling him how "phenomenal" he is! The genius comment was referring to the MAC geniuses at the Apple Store. You can pay $99 a year and get 1 hour a week with a MAC genius to personally have a training session. That is what he was referring to! This man is WELL KNOWN in The Apple Store at West Town Mall - he is there every week that he is in town for his genius bar appointment - but now he has gotten hooked on one-on-one training from my husband! How cool!!!

In a totally different topic line - we are probably about to embark on a difficult journey. We are going to attempt to break our contract with our gym. We renewed it for THREE years in late January after my surgery - that means our contract term lasts until January 2010!!!!

The cost of the membership more than tripled for us because Katie was at the age where she was considered a member and we got the membership that included TWO personal training sessions a month for both Don and I - additionally the cost went up because of the MAJOR renovations that were going to occur over the spring, summer and fall of 2007 - including a women's spa type area and an outdoor beach pool thingy like the one on Alcoa Highway. They haven't started the first thing with this construction project.

Well - a few things! Katie was suppose to be allowed to go into the 3-7 year old room because she felt more comfortable with the younger kids - some of the older boys were picking on her. All of a sudden - "that is a problem" and she can no longer go into the younger room - which is a problem because Don and I like to do resistance work outs together and we aren't going to put our daughter in an uncomfortable situation when we were told "at the contract signing" that we wouldn't have to.

Our few personal training sessions that we did - 15+ minutes was always spent with a VERY HARD upsell - trying to get us to purchase additional sessions with their personal trainers.

BUT, tonight was the straw that broke the camels back. Lisa and I got psyched on our trip this weekend to get "into a water aerobics routine" again! So tonight was the kick off to this venture.

When we got to the gym - we noticed that the hot tub looked a little yucky. We got started in the water and half way through - I started seeing band aids in the water! EWWWW!!! Then, we both noticed that we didn't smell the chlorine like we used to. THEN, in starting to become hypersensitive to our surroundings, we noticed mold and algae on the side of the pool and on the water weights.

We were then much more aware of how disgusting everything was when we got out of the pool. Rick, her husband said we should have bailed immediately and we should have!! Then we ran into our friends Sandra and Tina - one of Don's best friends, Brian, is married to Sandra. She said that Brian had been calling management about the hot tub for weeks! It was a blazing science experiment - I guarantee you it glows in the dark!

Well, we were pretty bold! We told the front desk staff - we also told them that we were taking pictures and that we were going to report how insanely filthy it was.

Needless to say, I didn't pass go, I didn't collect $200 - I came strait home and took a LONG shower, washed my hair three times and even washed out my bathing suit in the shower. YUCK!!!!

We may not have a legal leg to stand on but we are sure gonna try! I didn't go through all I've been through this year to get healthy(ier) to turn around and get some staph infection or worse at a nasty gym. It's just not been the same since it's had these new owners.
More later!
LA :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hello "One"derland

Nice to see you again... it's been years!! Like the year I graduated from High School to be exact... 1986! Holy Cow!

YAY!!!!!!! So glad and happy!!!

LA :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tomorrow I Hope To Be In "One"derland

Things have been going really well and tomorrow I hope to be in "one"derland. That is what all people who have lost substantial amounts of weight call it when they are back in the 100's again.

I'm going to Nashville with Lisa on Thursday and I had not bought ANY new pajamas since loosing weight. It pains me to spend money on real clothes that I wear for three weeks and then they are too big... thus I wear lots of baggy clothes... as in this picture! :) However, all my pj's are ridiculously big so I went to Kohl's yesterday and got two pairs!

I was able to shop in Kohl's - in the normal misses section and I got XL pj shorts and then a set. I wore the pj shorts last night and loved them. They actually were baggy. Normal misses XL! YAY!

I think I'm actually going to make my goal of being a size 14 or less by my birthday!
Now, if I could just do something about my flabby arms!

I want to go back to water aerobics but I ran into my old instructor yesterday, Anna. She is awesome! But, she no longer teaches at the gym that we are members at - and she told me some pretty disgusting things about the cleanliess of the gym and the water. She told me that doing water aerobics would substantially help my arms though. She had a friend who went to LA Weight Loss with a starting weight of 420 and is now 160 and she didn't have to have plastic surgery. But, LA WL gave her some kind of vitamin supplements that help with the elasticity in your skin as you are loosing weight.

But guess what? Anna, the water aerobics instructor - she didn't even recognize me! How cool is that!? I had not seen her since before my surgery.

Fingers crossed getting on that scale tomorrow!
More later!
LA :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Boy - Did I Ever Mess Up!

I think I had gotten a little too bold on the things that I was starting to eat. I had read the horror stories about people eating popcorn after having WLS... did that stop me? NO!! I ate an afternoon snack of popcorn with Katie today. It was the 98% fat free kind - so it smells like popcorn but has the texture of puffed paper.

I will just say this... I wont do it again! I was in pain for well over an hour! It was horrible.

No more popcorn!!!

LA :(

How To Rope A Kick-Ass Life

Truly, I'm going to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to buy this book. You don't have to love horses to see the benefits of this book. It's all about balance... physical, emotional and literal. This is something that I've been working on for months with my therapist. Below is a sample chapter from Cowgirl Smarts: How to Rope a Kick-Ass Life by Ellen Reid Smith.

Chapter Title: Stay Balanced in the Saddle

Life is like riding balanced in the saddle—it requires a lot of practice to acquire, and work to maintain. Once you find your balance, stirrups and even the saddle are unnecessary for balance. Balanced riders look as though they move effortlessly with the horse. In actuality, staying balanced requires stability that comes from your inner core muscles. Riding through life is no different, your stability comes from your inner being. You can spot an unbalanced rider because she will hold onto the saddle horn or pull on the reins to steady herself.

Whether you’re riding a horse or loping down the trail of life, you don’t want to find yourself unbalanced and thrown from the ride of your life. You want to keep a balanced seat that will allow you to move in rhythm with the horse and keep you in control through the inevitable bucks and abrupt stops that life throws your way.

Cowgirl Smarts is about finding and maintaining balance in your life. Whether you’re juggling work and play, eating and drinking in moderation, sharing responsibilities with your spouse or ensuring time for yourself as well as your kids, you need balance. But much like riding, everyone has a different point of equilibrium. What feels right for one rider may not work for another. That’s because only you can define balance. If you’re looking to other riders to find balance, you’re merely copying their posture and that might not yield a balanced seat for you.

Living a kick-ass life requires defining your own sense of balance. Your definition of balance will be the equilibrium between what you want to do and what you have to do. Adele von Ohl Parker was an eccentric cowgirl who lived to be on a horse and in the spotlight. Most outsiders thought Adele had uncanny balance on a horse, but little to none in her life. In fact, many thought she had a loose screw or two. But her friends and students in North Olmstead, Ohio knew otherwise. Adele chose a life of extremes that felt good to her.

If you didn’t know Adele’s background, you might think she was a bit unbalanced yourself. She was raised in New Jersey by aristocratic parents who later lost everything. Her family began importing fine horses into the U.S. in 1682 and supplied valuable scout horses to George Washington during the American Revolution. Their horses were honored in the state seal of New Jersey which features the head of a black stallion.

In 1902, when money was tight, Adele left home to become an actress. Her acting debut in Plainfield, New Jersey was met with stunning reviews that described Adele’s performance as “a triumph.” Though she went on to be one of the highest paid actresses in New York, she was snubbed by society. Actresses in her time were considered secondary citizens. So when Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show came to New York, she didn’t hesitate to combine her love of riding with acting. She quickly became one of the stars of Buffalo Bill’s show.

In 1909, she married Jim Parker who was also a star in Buffalo Bill’s show. Only a year later, the two stared in a new show called “Cheyenne Days” that toured the globe for five years. It was one of the most successful international shows ever produced. Adele performed dangerous horse stunts like picking up gold coins from the arena floor from the side of a galloping horse. Usually she scooped down with her hand, but for theatrics, she’d pick it up with her teeth. She loved stallions with spirit and frequently rode onstage with her horse rearing. These acts terrified musicians in the orchestra pit since Adele didn’t shy from jumping over the pit or even into it. She was a daring horsewoman and the crowds loved her.

When ticket sales for Wild West shows began to lag, Buffalo Bill and Adele parted ways and Adele and her husband moved to Hollywood in 1915. Adele spent almost ten years as an actress, cowboy trainer and stuntwoman for “B” westerns. She built a small barn on a lot in Pasadena and in her spare time taught low-income kids to ride. She called them the Junior Rough Riders. Without proper schools to attend, these boys were illiterate. Adele ensured her students learned the alphabet and arithmetic in payment for their lessons. When asked why she taught children, she relayed a story about riding down a street in Los Angeles when a little girl walked up to her mare Daisy and asked her what it was. It was then she decided to teach children. Combining her love of horses and teaching children gave Adele the balance in life she had always needed.

In 1929, with money short, Adele decided to take her own show on the road, but when she debarked the train in Cleveland, only to find her booking had been cancelled, Adele went back to doing what she loved. The fact that she arrived in Cleveland with seven horses, a rabbit and only 70 cents to her name, didn’t derail Adele’s dream. Adele marched into the nearest soda shop with her pet rabbit. She then called all the newspapers to report a thirsty giant in the soda shop. When reporters arrived, they found her giant rabbit sipping a milkshake and the reporters ate it up. The picture of Adele and her rabbit sharing a milkshake was priceless and it worked to gain publicity for her new Von Ohl School of Riding. She soon purchased a small ranch in North Olmsted just outside of Cleveland and called it The Parker Ranch, or “Paradise” as she later referred to it. Here she taught kids as much about life as she did about riding.

On The Parker Ranch, it wasn’t uncommon to see a group of Indians camping on the lawn, 50 goats from an animal rescue or elephants bathing in the river. She took in all the sick and broken animals that people brought her way. One student remembers entering her house on a cold winter day to find Adele painting a portrait of the donkey standing in her kitchen, while a dog, a cat, a pig and a fawn all slept side-by-side by the fire. Adele could work magic with animals. The Parker Ranch became a gathering place not only for recovering animals, but also for friends spun off from the wild west shows and Hollywood. Trick ropers, clowns, bronc riders and horse trainers would converge on the ranch for impromptu shows. When students arrived at the ranch, they never knew what to expect and that’s what kept them coming back.

Adele taught riding for a dollar a week and kept her wild child alive by ending each semester with a rowdy wild west show. It was a far cry from the $100 a week she made starring in Buffalo Bill’s shows, or her fat Hollywood paychecks, but she reveled in the balance she had created in her life.

Now some would say that Adele’s life was completely out of balance. She’d give all her hay away to save the horses of a broke rancher, even though she had no idea how she’d refill her own barn. She’d loan her last $50 to a laid off cowboy, leaving no money for her own groceries. But somehow she always managed to survive. Hay would be donated, friends would bring food or she’d sell a horse. Worrying about tomorrow wasn’t how Adele lived life. She lived to keep teaching and riding. Her definition of balance was extreme—worry about the horses, the students and the show, everything else will take care of itself.

Even Adele’s house was extreme, but to her there was a balance between riding and housework—as long as she did very little of the latter. With recovering animals in every corner of her house, you can imagine the dirt. Adele would insist a friend have a cup of hot chocolate, and he’d reluctantly accept, knowing the cup was likely to have chili residue in the bottom. For her, keeping a balanced life didn’t put housekeeping high on the list of important chores.

Adele always stayed balanced in the saddle of life. She lived to the rhythm of her own horse’s hoof beats. Because of this, she lived a kick-ass life.

Lessons Learned

I recently asked my seventy-four year old mother if she would do anything differently if she could live her life again. She quickly replied, “I would have cleaned house a little less and gotten out more.” (Thank God it wasn’t genetic.) Adele’s life may sound a bit out of balance to you, but I think women whose housekeeping leaves little time for anything else may be just as unbalanced. I’m not proposing that Cowgirl Smarts means having a dirty house or apartment, but to rope more out of life, you have to find a balance. That dirt on your car won’t make it undrivable. The stain on your daughter’s shirt doesn’t mean you love her any less.

Finding balance means listening to your inner cowgirl. When your cowgirl spirit is busting to get out of the stable, by all means open the door and go for a gallop. But listen just as closely to your more sensible side that knows when kids need a mother’s arms or how to make a house a home. Women with cowgirl smarts listen to both voices in their head and find a balance that’s fulfilling.

If your cowgirl spirit isn’t quite halter broke, you’re probably having some trouble with balance too. Use your cowgirl smarts and develop a discipline to avoid always doing what you want to do, versus what you need to do. Slow down and take responsibility. Riding balanced in the saddle is easier to do at a trot than gallop.

Here are a few ideas for staying balanced in the saddle:
• Increase your fun quotient. Keep a diary for several weeks and track the time you spent doing things you truly love. When you tally up the time spent, what percentage of your waking hours does it represent? If the percentage isn’t acceptable, reevaluate your “have to do” list. Would a cowgirl find these tasks critical? Another source of measurement is your date book or PDA. Are all the entries eat, work or sleep? If so, you need to Cowgirl Up and get a life.
• Learn to make tradeoffs. What would you sacrifice for a good adventure? Money? Swapping babysitting time with a friend? An unmowed yard? It could be something as small as not cleaning the house one week each month, or as important as finding a new job with more reasonable hours. Make the tradeoff for a better, more balanced ride, you’ll be glad you did.
• Change your definition of clean. Whoever told you that the woman with the cleanest house wins, was wrong. Hygiene is important, but distinguish it from compulsive. If you find you’re routinely putting off your family to clean your house, you probably need a new definition of clean or you need to find the cash to hire a maid.
• Don’t be afraid to shed domestic expectations set for women. My mother doesn’t think I own an iron anymore. She thinks telling me this is an insult, but I think it’s a perfect measure of my life in better balance. When you start to buy that linen dress, calculate the ironing time or the laundry fees, then ask yourself if you’d rather use that time/money to have more fun. Start small, it adds up.
• Balance changes with the horse. Like changing horses, each new chapter in life requires adjustment in your balance. Some rides are smooth as silk, others seem to jar your bones. But if you stay balanced in the saddle, you can weather the roughest of rides.
• Life is short, get out and embrace it. There’s no better time to get your life in balance than today. You’ll find lots of excuses not to, because change is tough. Cowgirl Up and start heading down the trail less traveled.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So glad things never change with us

I just got off the phone with my cousin, Kim. Tears streaming down my cheeks...She leaves with Sarah and Jacob to head back to Kuwait tomorrow. I'm so disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time with them while they were home... but like we were just talking about - we are so blessed to have the relationship that we do. We can talk daily or we can go three months without talking and it's like we never missed a beat! It's always been that way... even when we were kids and our topics of conversation were cartoons and toys!

I'm so very proud of her. She's become such a strong woman and an amazing mother. Sarah - just love her so much! She's amazing. I know it sounds crazy but I was so nervous about seeing Sarah this summer. I was so worried that being in the culture of the middle east would have changed her sense of humor and her light heartedness... but it totally hasn't. It hasn't Kim either. And Jacob - he's just a cutie! It's so neat to hear him talk and to try and figure out what he just said... all toddlers are like that - but especially bi-lingual toddlers... he speaks English and Arabic.

I don't mean that to sound stereotypical... Kim has just told us so much about their life there. There is much that they like - but it is definitely different. It seems hard to believe that people wouldn't change living in such a different culture. I know I would be "different" if I lived in California - let alone outside of America.

Anyway - she's got a long trip ahead of her tomorrow... going through Germany. I know many of you know her - please keep her and the kids in your prayers the next 30 hours. When she made this trip two years ago - Jacob was three months old and wasn't mobile... much different now. He's TWO!

It just amazes me... like I said - she's grown into such a strong woman. She'd never traveled - only to Tennessee and ONE trip to her childhood and her adult life and now she is making her THIRD trip - half way around the world - with two children!

I love you Kim!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What A Day!!

I'm so proud of my husband. He ventured into new territory today... and did so very successfully. He had a booth at the Premier Bridal Show at the convention center for Midnight Magic Video Productions (

Lisa helped him (thankfully) for the first two hours and then once Katie could go to Cassie and Alex's - I spent the rest of the day helping him.

What a pro! He had a crowd around him many times... people loved his demo video and loved how he stands out from the other local videographers. He customizes packages to fit every brides needs and desires. He also makes them part of the editing process by giving them a rough cut to view within 30 days and then they can make changes if they want. No other videographer in this region does this. Additionally, he does a three camera set up for the ceremony and two camera for the reception... this is pretty rare.

He'll definitely get enough business from this event to have made it worth while. Plus, he got to meet quite a few other wedding professionals that he will be keeping in touch with for referrals and networking. He's already gotten two emails from ladies where they've decided that they want him to do their video and he confirmed one today at the show. Go Don!!!

We spent hours and hours getting his marketing materials together! It was stressful but a lot of fun. Katie even got in on the action and was a great help. Actually, she was a VERY big help yesterday in getting Don's booth set up.

At one point, when the show was winding down - I was walking around the event floor, scoping the competition and just getting ideas... I walked behind a gal that had talked to Don about an hour before... and she was saying "I really liked that Midnight Magic guy..."

I really like that Midnight Magic guy too! Sweetie, I'm so very proud of you! I loved working with you and look forward to the fun we are going to have with making this more of a business than a hobby!

LA :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Last Day of Summer Vacation

I feel like I blinked and it's over!! I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I had mixed emotions about Katie's summer vacation coming to a close... still do. Although - some good things have happened in the past week.

Monday was a fun day. We were eating lunch at Five Guys (surprise!) and we ran into Ms. Huffstutter (now Mrs. Dean). She was Katie's 1st grade teacher! It was so good to see her. She was with a group of teachers from the school... Well, when we got home - we had a message from Dr. Bunney (yes, that is really her name). She is Katie's resource teacher and has been since Kindergarten. She told us that if we could come to the school at 1:30 - she'd give us a tour so Katie could start getting familiar with the new school and we could have a little one on one time with her new teacher - since it's pretty hectic at the open house.

We did! It was great! Things were crazy hectic - we didn't see how it would be possible for them to get the construction wrapped up in time for school to start tomorrow - but when we went back last night for the open house - they'd pulled off the impossible and gotten it all done.

We met her new teacher, Ms. Crawford and she is wonderful. Much like Ms. Huffstutter. AND Lily is in Katie's class. Ms. Huffstutter requested that Katie and Lily not be seperated. Lily is an advanced student who loves Katie and because she does so well - she can take time to help Katie at times. Which is awesome!!

It was so great to see Katie and Lily together last night at the open house!! They were so happy to be together again. Jennifer (Lily's mom & I) were fussing at each other for not contacting each other over the summer. We both compared notes on how it FLEW BY!!!

Thank heaven for Mr. Ward - the principal - who has yet to let us down in Katie's early education!! He is truly a blessing because EVERYONE that has been a part of Katie's early education years has been amazing!!

Gran is doing much better. I think some of the medicine that Dr. Jackson has her on has started making a difference and now that we are ensuring that she is getting it regularly... it does seem to be making things better. We took her to the dentist to finish up her denture fitting on Monday and then took her to Kroger. She did good - it wore us out - but she did good. :)

More good news!! We have found a good babysitter - her name is Melissa and Katie had a great evening with her! We actually had a date tonight! Went to Season's Cafe - met the head chef who is so very nice! Then we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum... so good! It was so nice to have a date with my husband!

Today, we went to Splash Country! It was SOOOO VERY HOT but so much fun!! So sad that summer is over but I'm also so excited and hopeful of Katie getting started in the 2nd grade!! I hope it really is off to as good of a start as it seems.

Heading off to the first day of school in the morning - with my camera in tow of course! 2nd grade... unbelievable! Cherish every moment because they seem to be going by so quickly!!!!

More tomorrow I'm sure!
LA :)
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

There is always someone struggling more than you (me)!

The past couple of weeks have been exhausting. I went to see my psychologist yesterday and completely fell apart in her office. Two things are happening... my hormones are all out of balance with my weight loss - which by the way - I'm down to 204. That means I'm only 5 pounds from "one-derland". That also means, and I've never admitted this publicly but - my highest weight was 333 in September 2006 when I decided to go ahead with the surgery. That means my total weight loss so far is 129 pounds.

So, hormones out of balance!! But, add to that: Katie has hit a spell where she isn't sleeping well again and is very "manic". Silly spells that we can't get her out of. Going non-stop in a frantic mode at times... she might need a med adjustment but I hate to go messing with her meds when she starts 2nd grade in just ONE week. A part of me is a tiny bit excited to have Monday and Wednesday mornings for the farm and quiet office work - but a BIG part of me is very sad that the summer is gone. We have done so many great things - but there is so much more that I wanted to do.

Additionally, Gran! She continues to deteriorate daily. Her memory, the dementia, the lack of being able to care for herself, the fact that she is continuing to loose weight on a rapid basis... One of her neighbors found her wandering around outside, confused and disoriented last week. I could make a two-page list of the things that have happened just this week that are scary.

My evenings - every evening - these days is lost to the doggone phone. Between talking to my dad and Marilyn, or talking to the the physical therapist, or the home health care nurse OR Jennifer, the gal that we hired to help with her meds M-F and she also cleans Gran's condo 2x a month and most recently - a social worker that has been trying to help with possible ideas for the future...

Before I know it, my evening is gone and I fall into bed emotionally exhausted. Gran's living conditions (and I wont go into details) are very unsanitary and something has to be done quickly. I've exhausted every in home resource that is financially feasible. She will have to go to a facility with no turning back and it is breaking my heart. We will have to quickly remove the contents of her condo and get it ready for Jack (my great uncle) to sell it.

Then, Don's health... that's been a recent worry. Someone else I care about greatly is having heart problems, which is a big concern. Stress can really wreak havoc on your health. A good friend has a bone condition - baby osteoporosis and is walking with a cane and struggling with pain - she is only 35!!

I've not been managing things well. I can't tell you how our house looks with STUFF for my eBay store. Things that are just waiting to be listed that I literally have NO TIME for. I'm going to loose my powerseller status if this continues.

The older man that I work for - I can't even tell you... he just turned 80 on Sunday and he's doing this HUGE project in Wears Valley. Don is even doing work for him now... he just doesn't slow down. So much work!!!

I can't tell you the last time I cleaned our house. Really cleaned! Thank goodness we are fairly neat people or it would be really bad!! We had friends over Saturday night and I was embarrased about our house.

We have no babysitter! We need to get Katie a tutor! Don's got a HUGE wedding on Saturday that one of his good friends is helping him with. Then, we've got the wedding show on the 12th - a little nervous about that!

Every day, I intend to scrapbook. So therapeutic and so relaxing. But, come 8pm, the thought of journaling when I'm so emotionally exhausted... it ain't happening.

Don went to the farm last night and rode Sunny for over an hour. He said it was so nice - being out there at night -sunset - just him, Sunny, Mary did a lesson.... he felt great - except he was walking a little!

Anyway... was feeling blue and overwhelmed. Even had grumpy sleep... where I was grumpy in my sleep and had bad dreams... mainly about Gran. Looks like she will be going to a VA subsidized assisted living on Saturday... for good. No turning back... Dad will be here. Lisa, I guess that puts a kabosh on our plans....?

Now I'm rambling.... point is - I love BLOGS. I love reading blogs of scrapbookers. Seems as though - for the most part - scrapbookers are a very thankful bunch. Focusing on blessings and how great life is! So, when I'm blue, I get lost in SB Blogs - and I came across She just lost her 12 year old son to colon cancer. SIt was quick - he was diagnosed in December 2006 and only lived until April. Somehow, seemingly, she is doing ok. How can a mom loose a child so tragically and do ok?

Life in 2007 is hard. Technology is suppose to have made things easier and I don't think that is the case at all.

Please keep my gran in your prayers. The upcoming days are going to be very hard. Please also be praying for Katie - that her mood level back out without us having to play with her medicine. That is never good. She's just growing - which makes her a moving target for keeping everything in balance.

More later...