Friday, February 23, 2007

Good news & bad news

Well, I am down 61 lbs. That's awesome and I'm very excited; however I've had another set back.

Don got me those handy dandy special nike's and I was going to town with them walking. And I love walking with my ipod. I love taking Hogan or Sophie with me. It's been very enjoyable.

But, the other day, I decided that I missed water aerobics - in part because I thought it would really help to start toning my arms and tummy where I'm getting flabby skin. When I was at almost my heaviest weight - water aerobics was AWESOME for trimming inches and toning!

So, we re-established our membership at Court South and I went to water aerobics last night. The teacher that I love - Anna - she does not teach the Thur night class and that's probably a good thing. I think if I'd taken her class - I might have been back in the hospital.

It was a guy named Alan and I was so bored. The class was small and it was cold so I was in the deep end of the pool. Well, for his class to have been so "boring" ... I could not move this morning.

My pulled abdomen muscle flaired up again and my legs... oh, My, GOODNESS, my legs... I was in so much pain.


Well, I woke up this morning at 5am dry heaving BAD!!! I was back in bed by 8:30 and I slept until 1pm when a friend called. I'm back to ice chips, sipping water and cheese toast!

ARGHHH!!!! Just when I feel like I'm back to normal with energy and my body is healed...

I know some of the problem was being in the deep end. Much more force and resistance...

Oh well...One day, I'm sure that I will forget all this and say that I'd do it over again.... maybe?

More later!
LA :)

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