Saturday, March 3, 2007

One Day At A Time

Well, I've decided that I'm not going to say "I'm better" or "I've turned a corner" - none of those things anymore. Every time I do, I end up worse than before.

I finally, finally started feeling better last Friday. I got a little work done (I'm SOOOO far behind) and managed to have a pretty good day. Don knows how much I've missed the farm and he thought taking me out Saturday and getting me on Sunny would do me good.

So, that's what we did. He did all the physical work of grooming her and getting her cleaned up and then got her tacked up. We got her down to the arena and I got on her and it FELT GREAT! I started crying and leaned over and gave her a big hug.

I rode her for about 30 minutes. I was so much more balanced and it was just the boost I needed.

Saturday was beautiful and the rest of the day was wonderful. I was still doing great so Don and I decided to go see Wild Hogs with Tim Allen. We both thought a comedy would do us good. We went to the 7:15 show at The Pinnacle and it was sold out. It was so crowded and there was popcorn, candy, nachos, cokes, etc. EVERYWHERE! I'd taken Kate to see Charlotte's Web and it was a matinee so there wasn't near the smells or things to deal with.

The movie was funny but the later it got, the more pooped I got. There were a few things in the movie that were a little gross and I had to look away. Well, I made it through the movie but the minute we were in the car... I was dry heaving and gagging.

So, yesterday, my abdomen was sore again, my muscles ached and I felt like I was back to square one. I HAVE NO ENERGY!!!

I'm very blessed to have a husband that likes and enjoys cooking because I can't open the refrigerator door without gagging. I can't open the pantry... It's ridiculous!

I've put in a call to Dr. Boyce's office this morning because I guess it's time for me to see a therapist because I can't go on like this.

I'm not getting my medicine, my vitamins and I know I'm not getting the protein I need.

As of last Wednesday, I was down 71 lbs but man alive - the last 10 lbs have definitely gone the hard way.

My best friend Lisa has found a wonderful diet that is really working for her. It makes me so frustrated at myself that I couldn't do this without the extreme measures I resorted to with the surgery. I just never thought it would be like this.

We've postponed our spring break trip to Disney. Katie is disappointed but understands and we are going to try and go when Don has his five days off in June.

More later...

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