Wednesday, March 21, 2007

80 Pounds & Holding

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I updated two weeks ago. I've still been having a rough go with a few things but I am seeing a "cognitive behavioral therapist" that Dr. Boyce is sending me to and she is helping a great deal already.

My weight loss has definitely slowed and will probably be at a much slower pace for the duration. I've been talking to and reading stories of people who hit a plateau and slow down at 40 pounds so I am very thankful to have dropped 80 before I got to that point.

Seventy more pounds would put me where I was when I graduated high school and I didn't feel like I had a weight problem at all. Eighty more pounds would put me where my family doctor thinks I should be. We will see how it goes. I'm trying just to take one day at a time.

I went to see my family in North Carolina this past weekend and did that ever do me some good. Katie got the stomach bug so we were going to have to postpone AGAIN so since I can't drive that far by myself yet - I flew. Mom helped. I think it helped me to be independent, make the flight over, rent a car and be successful on my own. I've been dependent on others - mainly Don - since my surgery...

Then I took Mom estate and garage saleing on Saturday for her and MomMom's ebay store - Ms. Lily's Attic. We had SO MUCH FUN!!!! MomMom had a lot of fun when we got home going through all our treasures!

Mom pampered me and cooked me the BEST chicken all weekend long and I know that helped boost my energy level. It was neat seeing them and my Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Linda and them making a big deal about my weight loss. Love and support go a LONG way! :)

My mom, aunt and uncle got my grandmother a golf cart for her 84th birthday on March 4th. This has helped her get back out in the yard (they have a huge one) and start gardening again. They have a nice greenhouse and she's growing her own lettuce, etc. She took me around on the golf cart and that was so much fun. Mom was snapping pictures like crazy and four months ago - I would have been running from the camera. I'm still overweight but I actually enjoyed having my picture taken this weekend.

I also think it did Don and Katie good to have a good weekend together doing some fun things. She's been so clingy with me since my surgery - her and Don had not had any time together - so that worked out well too!

They picked me up at the airport Sunday night and Katie was at the water fountain in the airport holding a HUGE pink sign that said "Welcome Home Mom".

We went out to the farm today and I rode Belle - our new horse. She's a Tennessee Walker and boy - her being a gaited horse makes an EXTREME difference. I rode, and rode and rode some more. I even had her up to a cantor/gallop today. It's a breeze getting on now where before - it was a real struggle. Today when I had her cantering and the breeze was blowing in my face - I had tears coming down my cheeks but the biggest smile ever on my face. I finally was starting to feel like it's all been worth it. It was a feeling of freedom, excitement, thrills all wrapped into one.

Belle is only 4 years old so we are going to have some amazing years together. She's a jumper too... so if Katie decides to try and go forward with the hunter jumper aspect of riding - Belle will work for that too. She's going to be perfect for Katie.

My Aunt Linda and Uncle Ronnie gave me a visa gift card to some new clothes and I can't wait. All my clothes are falling off me. That's a good thing though, right? :)

More later! :)

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