Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Katie is amazing and I love her so much

Katie has amazed me and totally cracked me up several times the past few days. First of all, the knowledge that she has about animals... ALL animals is just astounding. The only TV the child watches is animal planet. She can talk to you about any animal on the planet I do believe - even the rhino beetle. I didn't even know there was such a thing.

I'm sure she will grow up and be a naturalist, a marine biologist, a dolphin trainer - who knows!! But, I do feel like she's destined to work with animals and nature.

Anyway, speaking of animals. I recently got a GREAT deal on a saddle at State Line Tack in Petsmart because they are going out of business in June. I made sure before I purchased it that I could return it if it didn't fit Belle. Turns out - she is a very hard horse to fit a saddle on. So, it didn't fit and I went to go return it on Saturday. Well, of course - there was a huge problem and I couldn't. Turned out the girl who told me I could - was not at work the day that it was announced that all State Line Tack sales were final. This was not my problem. I asked Don to take Katie to see the fish, cats, etc... because I didn't want her to see me argue with the manager. The manager was extremely rude and the best I came away with was a gift card for several hundred dollars that I have to spend before June 1st at StateLineTack.com. Well, once we were in the car, I was trying not to be mad. I didn't want to allow this woman to ruin my good mood. Katie chirped in and said "Mom, people today are ridiculous - don't worry about her". LOL

Then Sunday, Don got her homework out of her backpack and she had to read a story and then write an alternate ending using three complete sentences and one sentence had to use three adjectives. Don mumbled... "you've got to be kidding me" because we've been overwhelmed at how hard her first grade homework has been. Katie said "Uh oh, since it's going to be hard homework, can I go play for five minutes before we start". :)

But the most precious thing she has said the past few days was on Sunday about Sophie... she was pretty emotional a week ago when I told her that we were taking Sophie to Grandmom and MomMom's house this weekend. I had to remind her that Sophie was suppose to go live with them to begin with... Mom and I had searched for the right dog to be a part of their family life after Molly went to heaven. But, when we took Sophie to NC last May - MomMom just wasn't ready for another dog. Time has passed and Sophie is well trained so now - it's a go! :)

Well, Sunday - she heard me telling Don that I had to get Sophie groomed and her vet records, etc. for the trip this weekend. Katie said "I think we should definitely give Sophie to Grandmom and MomMom because it's special and they will love her."

She loves Sophie and Hogan - they are her outside, I'm gonna follow you everywhere and do everything with you buddies. So, I don't know who will miss Sophie more... me (probably not), her or Hogan.

But, Sophie is such a happy, fun-loving little dog. You can't help but smile when you call her name, she sits down and looks at you, cocks her head and her tongue is just barely hanging out - like Eddie on Frasier. She will bring a lot of happiness to both Mom and MomMom, I'm sure of it!

Well, that's all for now. I'm just trying to write down things that Katie does or says these days that are cute or special to me so I will remember them... for scrapbooking of course! ;)

More later!

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