Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Brand New Day

Well, a lot has happened since my last post one week ago. I apparently pulled a muscle or two in my abdomen. I think I talked about when it happened in a previous post... anyway - I went to my family doctor last Wednesday to get a B12 shot and they mashed and poked around on my abdomen making it much worse. They did an x-ray that didn't show anything... leaving me with the diagnosis of a pulled muscle.

I couldn't take any muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory meds - I can never take those again. I'm actually suppose to be wearing a medic bracelet stating that I am allergic or CAN NOT have NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatory meds).

Unfortunately, after Wednesday, my pain worsened and worsened. Finally, on Friday after it got so bad that I was getting nauseous again... Dr. Boyce ordered a CT Scan to make sure that I had not developed another abscess.

I went and had the CT Scan and it didn't show anything... so I was back to a pulled muscle but at least mentally - I wasn't worried anymore.

I took Sat & Sun and kept moist heat on it and felt tremendously better by Monday.

The thing that gets discouraging is - I truly feel like I take three steps forward and two steps back. I start to get a little caught up on things and then BAM! and I'm behind again.

Don did the sweetest thing... he got me those nike walking shoes that tie in with your ipod for valentines. They are awesome!! They are pink and black and have my name on them. Totally customized! He's always being so thoughtful. They came today and I was like "yikes, what am I gonna get him for valentines day?"

And, I just realized - it was 17 years ago tonight that Don and I met on a blind date at Hamburger Hamlet in Bethesda, Maryland. That is just crazy to me! We never ordered food and we were there when they closed the place... we just sat there talking and drinking diet coke.

Katie has been very focused on being with me and staying with me since this whole ordeal began.

We had the best time this afternoon working on her valentines cards for her class party tomorrow. It was so neat seeing her be so careful to pick the right valentine card for the right friend and then be like "eh, whatever" for the the few that maybe aren't so much friends.

Anyway... tomorrow I weigh! Here's hoping there is some encouraging news from the tanita scale!

More later!
LA :)

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