Friday, February 16, 2007

Every day gets better

I posted a few days ago that I thought I'd turned a corner... I definately think I have. Every day, I fell like I have a little more energy and fell better. I am sleeping really well and I wake up every morning by 6:30 on my own - feeling well rested!!

That is a HUGE difference from pre-surgery. I would fall into bed exhausted and Don could barely wake me in the mornings and then when I finally would wake up - I was grumpy and felt more tired than I did when I went to sleep!

Don says that I am hardly even snorning now. He use to wear sound canceling headphones if he watched tv late at night to cover my snoring so he could hear the tv. Isn't that horrible?

MomMom has told me that when she lost so much weight at Weight Watchers - they had her do chin/neck exercises to help with her double chin while loosing weight so I've been walking around doing this (minus

I just never thought my weight was slowing me down...I was so active - able to do anything I wanted!!! Well, thank goodness for Sunny. She was my gift from heaven to show me that I couldn't do ANYTHING and needed to do something drastic!

More later...
LA :)

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