Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well, she's here and I've lost 51 pounds

Belle arrived yesterday and come to find out - according to her vet records - she is a Tennessee Walking Horse. This is actually going to be even better than her being a spotted saddle because she is going to be a very comfortable ride with her five gaits. Spotted saddle horses typically only have three gaits.

She arrived well and it was nothing like Sam's arrival. She was calm and immediately started making friends with Oz and Cru. MMMMMM.....? Will we consider breeding her down the road? Possibility. Not too sure Don would go for that. I watched a broodmare giving birth on YouTube the other night and I just sat there and cried. IT was really neat! But, you know me... I'll cry at anything.

Speaking of crying... Boy, did I ever cry with Sam yesterday. I was so excited about Belle's arrival but so very sad to see Sam go. I worked with him so much September-December, the ground work, the round pen work and how could I not get attached to him... but we made the right decision... we never could have safely ridden him. Especially Katie and he was just too short for Don and I.

Speaking of riding... it wont be long before I'll be riding carefree... :) I am down 51 lbs. If I can only loose 20 or so more lbs. before hitting that dreaded plateau. :) I've read that most people that had starting weights around where mine was usually hit a plateau around 70 lbs. and it takes a couple of weeks to get past.

I worked at AC's yesterday for the first time in a month. I'd been working from home while recuperating but yesterday was the first time at his office again. When he saw me... he asked "how long has it been since I saw you? two weeks? your face has really slimmed down... it looks beautiful." You have to understand that AC doesn't throw compliments around... it was nice for him to say.

After leaving AC's - I had a tuna lunch with Don at home and then went to Katie's school to pick her up and then we headed to the farm for Belle's arrival and Sam's departure. Katie played so hard at the farm yesterday - she climbed fences, ran in an open field with Belle (the dog) and played with Coyoty the cat. We left the farm at 4:30 and I was sound asleep last night at 7:30. I slept strait through the night...

I was pooped! :)

More later!
LA :)

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