Friday, January 19, 2007

On My Weigh

Wow, this past week has been a roller-coaster of emotions. I have lost 36 pounds since my pre-surgery weight at Christmas. I saw Dr. Boyce yesterday and got my JP Drain removed.... YAY!!! Talk about a funny feeling though... it left me feeling "oogie" for several hours... BUT IT'S GONE!!!! No more wrapping up in saran wrap for showers. No more stripping and emptying the drain (for Don). I can't tell you the freedom I feel with that gone!

Dr. Boyce and Sarah, his RN were so pleased about my weight loss. AND Dr. Boyce says I still have fluid weight from the hospital nutrition and IV's to loose. He said that I've lost 11% of my body weight.

I can't tell you what an amazing physician he is. He is such a rare MD in today's world. He's compassionate and caring and SO VERY professional. I didn't think it was possible for surgeons to be that way.

He laughed and joked with Don and congratulated him on his 16lbs of weight loss.

We got to pick Sophie and Hogan up right after my appointment. I was much more at ease with them coming home with that JP Drain gone. Sophie did the residential dog obedience that Hogan did... we figured if we were paying the money for her to be boarded... we might as well pay the extra and have it pay off.

Well, I think it did. She is so well mannered now. You walk her on the leash and the minute you stop - she stops and sits at your left leg. If you approach a door, she sits and waits for you to enter and then she follows.

I have had the "weepies" this week though. Which continues to be frustrating to me. I'm thankful that I came through the complications so well, I'm thankful for my husband and daughter, I'm thankful for my family and friends who were SUCH a big help... I am thankful for my life!! Yet, at 10pm, I'll get hungry and I start crying. I'll get so frustrated at myself for having let it get to the point that I had to do something so drastic...

I did advance to the pureed section of the diet today and it was very hard. I gag at the protein drinks. I gag at the thought of protein... which is definitely not a good thing since I have to have 60g's of it daily. I think I've developed a slight food aversion because of being upset at what I had let happen to myself and I think the protein drink thing is because that is the last thing I drank before I thought I was dying... I truly did think I was dying. My entire abdomen was on fire and my diaphragm was constricted and I couldn't breath.

Anyway, I did eat 1/2 tsp of peanut butter this afternoon and I finally found something that I could eat without gagging tonight. Pureed chicken salad... like the kind that I would always eat with MomMom on whole wheat bread... as we'd sit at the kitchen table and talk and laugh. I think the memory of doing that with MomMom drastically helped me eat it. I feel so much better... I'd gone 7 days with no protein. YIKES!

Don's trying to walk that fine line of being loving husband and food/water police. I know that has been tough on him... he's just been amazing through this all.

Well... more in the next day or two.

LA :)

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