Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mom, Are Your Sure You Still Know How To Drive?

Well, according to the scale this morning, I am down 48lbs. I'm still really struggling getting in a full 60g's of protein daily. I can't open the refrigerator door without gagging. I'm worried that I've developed a total food aversion. One day at a time...

Yesterday was a very good day! We had to take the Blazer in for service and repair (thank goodness for warranties). The three of us went to the farm in the afternoon to spend time with Sunny. She was so happy to see us. WOW, the attention she got. All three of us were grooming her at once. She almost fell asleep when I was rubbing her ears...keep in mind that "most" horses don't like for you to rub their ears.

Don rode her. We didn't have her halter and bit so he thought he'd just try neck reining her. Boy, was that funny. I told him that I didn't think he should do it... but he thought with Sunny's calm nature - it'd be fine. He mounted her and he'd walk her a little bit and every time he'd turn her - she was like "yeah? ok, let's go" and she'd start to take off. Don was always like "Leeann, I need your help". Katie and I were laughing so hard. After three times of this happening... Don decided that it was time to get off.

When I connected the lead line back to Sunny's halter... I was rubbing her neck and telling her what a good girl she was and she put her nose right on my cheek and just stayed there... she is so loving.

Well, back to the title of this posting... when we went to take the Blazer in yesterday morning, when Katie and I got into the truck, as I was putting it in reverse... Katie said "hold on mom, you haven't forgotten how to drive have you?". This was only the 2nd time I'd driven since my surgery. I said "no, Katie, I haven't forgotten how - I wouldn't be driving with you in the truck with me if I had". As I started backing up..."Mom, are you really sure?"

Bless her heart - this whole thing has been hard on her. When we were at the farm yesterday - she came running up beside me and grabbed my hand and said "Mom, I miss you". I said, "Katie, I'm right here". She said "NO, I missED you... I missed you so much when you were in the hospital."

Every night since I've been home, she has to cuddle with me to go to sleep. That is ok by me... goodness knows I missed cuddling with her when I was in the hospital!

More later...

LA :)

PS - Today is my one month anniversary!!! I had my surgery Dec 27th!

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