Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well, I weighed yesterday morning and I am down 48 lbs. Don took my measurements on 12/26/06 and then again yesterday and I've lost a total of 15 inches!!!

I made progress yesterday... I ate two servings of tuna and BOY did that ever make me feel better. I also drank some unsweetened tea with sweet and low and BOY did that taste good! I had energy from 9am - midnight! It felt great!!!

Well, before we got any more attached to Sam and now that I am starting to feel like being back out at the farm... we'd been looking online and in the paper for someone who might trade for Sam.

Sometimes, I truly believe that God just works a situation out... I came across a listing two weeks ago for a beautiful Spotted Saddle horse in Science Hill, KY named Belle. The listing stated that she'd been used in therapeutic riding as well as trail riding by adults.

I chatted back and forth with the seller, Connie for the past two weeks. She sent video and pictures. I sent her all the info on Sam - including details of the round pen work I had done with him.

She invited us up to spend the day at her farm yesterday. So, we went. We were actually going to look at several horses that she had for sale with our main interest being Belle.

All three of us immediately fell in love with Belle. She has Sunny's expressive eyes and by the end of the afternoon, she was affectionate with us - just like Sunny. Don rode her for quite a bit... that was fun!

Then Katie rode her bareback on lead line in the barn - she had a huge hallway type area down the middle of the barn. It was amazing... Belle instantly sensed Katie and took slow gentle steps while Katie was on her.

They are bringing Belle to us on Tuesday and picking up Mr. Sam. Katie and I shed some tears last night over Sam going away... but they are going to work with him and find him just the right home. I don't think I ever would have let Katie get on Sam.

So, now in a month or so... Don and I will be able to go trail riding together. Katie and I can go to the farm on the weekends and she can ride Belle (on a saddle) with me managing it lead line.

Sunny will still be my horse, my pride and joy. I will still go to the farm by myself on Mon, Wed & Fri's that I don't have doctors appointments or anything and work with Sunny. But now, Don and Katie will have a horse that they can work with. When Don gets below 200 - he and Katie can ride Belle double. She's use to that.

More later...

LA :)

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