Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Throwing Down The Gauntlet

gaunt·let 1 also gant·let (gôntlt, gänt-)
A challenge: throw down the gauntlet; take up the gauntlet.

So, here is the deal! I used this blog from December 27, 2006 until last Thanksgiving to chronicle my weight loss journey and it helped me to be accountable for loosing the 144 pounds that I lost!

But then what happened? I got into size 14/16 clothes which I had not done as an adult! I was doing things that I never thought I'd do. My trainer was telling me I was fine riding Belle at my current weight! I felt great! I still had a love for food... so why kill myself to go any further...?

Well, after a year of making excuses I am fed up with myself! I had weight loss surgery and could have died as a result of complications and yeah, I'm a heck of a lot better or now than I was two years ago... but I'm still considered obese! I may be a size 14/16 and 14 maybe the size of the average American woman but still being considered obese when I went through what I went through just wont do!

I've told friends and family for a year... if I could just get to 180 or sometimes I'd say 175... going on to say "I may make it to my goal weight but I wont stay there... I love food too much"!

ARGGHHHH!!! What is wrong with me!? Loving food too much is what put me in critical condition with complications from Gastric Bypass Surgery! Love food too much!!

So, it's taken me an entire month to get psyched - mentally! It took my mom helping me do that dog gone 5 day pouch diet (on her birthday no less) that I'd tried and failed at 5 times before. It took me getting totally hooked on The Biggest Loser and seeing their determination and dedication to truly changing their lives...

So it's on! I'm done making excuses! I will not gain weight during Thanksgiving! I will not gain weight during Christmas! I will loose weight between now and January 1, 2009. Forget New Years Resolutions! I have a "right now resolution"!!

I will exercise every day because I have total accountability again with my husband, my blog, my family, my friends and my new BUGG!

I'll blog about it (the "Bugg") tomorrow!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. You go, girl! I'm proud of you! You can do it!!
