Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sometimes You Need A Good Buddy

And I'm so blessed to have several!! I have wonderful friends who do kind gestures, who offer to help me with Gran's condo, offer to help take care of Katie during all this... and just being there means so much!

Lisa sent me these beautiful flowers last Saturday to lift my spirits... which they did. They even added a nice fragrance to our kitchen! :)

On other fronts, Katie is enjoying her good buddy, Gizmo! Although, he doesn't respond to Gizmo... so we have ended up calling him Gizzie! It's crazy! I'm so glad that we gave him a second chance after sending him back to his mother for a few weeks. He came back to us the Tuesday after we came home from Disney and it's working out really well. He sleeps with Katie and pals around with her when she's playing inside. He even watches Animal Planet with her as you can see by the pictures.

He pals around with both Don and I when Katie is outside, at friends or not at home. He lays with me when I'm working - just like Maggie use to. Nothing could or would ever replace Maggie - but it sure is nice having a white puff ball hanging out with us again.

Again, I feel blessed to have such great friends who have offered their love and help with all that is going on right now!!

Thank you so much!!
LA :)

1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMay 30, 2008 at 8:15 PM

    LA!!! I just love the picture of Katie and Gizmo at the computer!! That is darling!!
