Monday, May 26, 2008

One of the hardest things...

I've ever had to do... is take my grandmother from her home of 25 years and move her to an assisted living yesterday.

The past several days have been exhausting physically and emotionally. Yesterday morning started off with my grandmother acting, once again, like this move to the assisted living was brand new information. She first was refusing to go. Then it progressed to "well, I will go, and let you get me checked in but then you are bringing me back home tonight"...

She's never going back to the condo because I will never go through yesterday again.

However, once we had her down there, she was surrounded by these really neat ladies, who immediately started making friends with her and doting on Katie. Katie is going to end up with seven+ great grandmother type ladies. :)

Gran and Katie went to the 2pm church service that they have while Don and I were moving everything in. Of course, the unloading was hard... it was on the complete opposite side of the building from where her room is.

We go back today at 3 to take her a few more pieces of furniture, forgotten toiletries and her plants. We didn't hang any pictures yesterday since we didn't have all the furniture, so we have to do that today too. We also promised to eat dinner with her tonight.

When we left her late yesterday, we left her in the common living room area with her new friends waiting for dinner.

This place is amazing. The staff is wonderful! It appears as though the residents (for the most part) are still so active and full of life... she will do great if she just relaxes and starts to take part.

One funny story... this one man who walked the halls the whole time we were there... kept coming up to me asking me if I was from Rock City. I would tell him that I was from Knoxville... then he would tell me where he use to eat out in Knoxville and then just walk away. This happened four times. He was the only one I met with significant memory issues.

I'm completely prepared for her to announce to me today that she's going back home. But, she's not. She's never going back home.

Jack told me last night he wants me to get the condo on the market this week. *sigh* I haven't even come up from air from this yet... we aren't even through moving her.

I'm going to try and take some pictures today once we have everything in her room in place.

Dad starts his radiation treatments Wednesday.

Happy Memorial Day!

LA :)

1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMay 26, 2008 at 7:34 AM

    Oh my! You have so much going on! I'm praying for you, my friend.

    I'm so glad the ladies there embraced her! That is awesome!

    Happy Memorial Day to you too!
