Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back from Disney & Update

Well, we had a great time last week for the most part. We came home with some wonderful memories!! But, next time, we will plan more carefully. It was so dang hot... the last day - the heat index was 103 and it was so crowded. It isn't suppose to be that crowded until mid-May but Don and I noticed that there were A LOT of non-english speaking people and then we realized... weak dollar + lots of tourism from overseas...

So, major heat for the first of May AND massive people overload.

We did meet some very nice people and the Disney people were WONDERFUL to Katie. It's definitely a great place to vacation if you have a child with disabilities if you plan it right.

Other notations... my dad had his surgery yesterday. Marilyn didn't want me to come for the surgery - she thinks it is much more important for me to visit during his radiation and chemo. He did great for the surgery. He was suppose to stay in the hospital up to three days and he is already home. He is going to have to have rehab therapy because they damaged a nerve when removing the lymph nodes (this was unavoidable and known ahead of time) and he has some paralysis in his face and mouth. Unfortunately, the surgeon thinks he removed another melanoma that had developed right at his ear. If it comes back positive, that is not good. However, he didn't think any of the 75+ lymph nodes were suspicious looking. My dad will have daily home health care until his follow up appointments next Thursday.

This doctor is a spiritual man and he told Marilyn frankly yesterday that his chances for five year survival were not that good. He said that "that is the science and medical perspective". He said that God is ultimately in control and that Dad wont go anywhere until it's his time. Marilyn is such a strong woman and this is twice now that she completely came apart on the phone with me post-surgery that I wished so bad that I had been with her.

But she is better now. She told me that even though she is very close to her two sons and her father, she doesn't feel like she can unravel with them the way she has with me. I wish I could do more to help her and my dad.

Katie - we had a meeting at her school yesterday to plan her year for next year. She is going to continue to be mainstreamed with increased resource time. That was a very, very tough decision and I completely came apart after the meeting. Everyone loves Katie and we are soooo blessed to have the people in her life that we do... I can't say that enough but school is growing increasingly more difficult for her. However, the CDC (comprehensive development classroom) supervisor was in the meeting and when we told her that we felt like Katie was where she is now because she's been challenged and we were worried that moving her to a CDC classroom would result in her not being challenged and she agreed... that cinched our decision.

GRAN - boy, is it ever continuing to deteriorate rapidly. Her memory. She's not eating well at all. Her color doesn't look good. She's very depressed. With Jack's help - I have found an assisted living facility that also has an alzheimer's unit in Rockwood, TN. That is where Gran grew up. It's 38 miles from us but it's only 6 miles from Jack and Sue, who live in Kingston and she has other extended family in Kingston.

The facility is Victorian Square. She would have a private room. That is huge!!! It cost $1850 a month, which is amazing because all the facilities in Knoxville are $3,000+ monthly. The administrator put me in touch with her contact at the local VA office and I have a meeting with him scheduled for Monday at 8am. He sounds so nice - a great sense of humor. Based on what I told him, she may qualify for up to $800 a month in survivor benefits since my grandfather served during the war. If she does, then with her small social security and pension - she will have just enough to cover the expense.

So, Don, myself, Jack and Sue are taking Gran there on Friday for lunch and for them to do an assessment on Gran. Her memory has gotten so bad that she's been forgetting her last name, Dad's name, where she got married, that I live in Knoxville (she thinks I still live up north and wants me to move here...) - the list goes on and on.

I think Jennifer, who helps us through the week and then cleans 2x a month has about reached the end of her rope. She's grown to care about Gran a lot but Gran is wearing everyone out right now. She calls me 5-10 times a day crying.

Then, the realization hits about what is in store once we get her moved. Her condo. I can't even begin to imagine what that is going to be like... and it will have to be done quickly because the funds aren't there to pay for the assisted living AND maintain the utilities, homeowners, etc on the condo.

Don is SWAMPED right now. He's got work coming out his ears, which is wonderful but he is very busy!

I've got two new clients. I've pretty much stalled eBay altogether for now. I dropped one of my summer photography classes at UT but I still have my current Fundamentals that has two weeks left and then one class in June and July.

I need to go visit my family in NC. I have a trip to Nashville planned mid-June that is already paid for so I have to go. I need to visit Dad twice this summer. Kim is coming home from Kuwait in July and I want to spend more time with her this summer. I had to turn down a job photographing children for a local boutique - which killed me because that is exactly what I want to do... but there is only one me and too many commitments right now. I also had to turn down a wedding at UT last weekend since we were out of town. The brides photographer bailed on her two weeks before the wedding and she got my name from one of my instructors.

When it rains it pours...

Please continue to keep my dad and Gran in your prayers. Also us three - for strength, patience, making the right decisions...

LA :)

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