Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Katie's Birthday Disney Tradition Has Begun

So, this is the second year that we are celebrating her birthday at Disney and I do believe it might be a tradition. Actually, I think Katie is on course to have the longest birthday celebrations of anyone I know.

I know we tend to spoil Katie a little too much... but she is truly a special child. Even the professionals in her life - teachers, doctors, etc... say that she is the bravest, most determined child they have ever encountered. She gives life 110% at all times.

We celebrated her birthday in the mountains with Gran, Dad and Marilyn on April 26th and we ate at Logan's Roadhouse and they brought the roof down singing happy birthday to her with a big desert.

Then Katie and I took Gran to Outback on Katie's actual birthday last Saturday and again, they sang happy birthday to her and made a big deal.

Well, when we arrived at our hotel this afternoon, they gave Katie a pin to wear during her stay that says "It's My Birthday" and any Disney employee or cast member sees this button and promptly says "Happy Birthday Katie"!

THEN, Katie and I are going to North Carolina in a week or so and we are going to celebrate her birthday with our family there!! Longest birthday celebration EVER! Needless to say - she isn't having a "party" this year! ;)

We had a good trip today. We got here about 4:30 and checked in and headed off to Downtown Disney. We went to the Rainforest Cafe to get our names on the list thinking there would be an hour+ wait... NOPE! 20 minutes, which we easily killed shopping in their gift shop.

Katie was entralled at this place. I'm telling you - she's going to be a naturalist, a park ranger, a vet assistant... ANYTHING with animals. Actually, we are planning to spend TWO days at Animal Kingdom.

Don and Katie had a lot of fun in the store at TRFC finding neat things to play with.

After we ate our dinner in Katie's new favorite restaraunt, they brought her the biggest desert EVER!!!

We shopped a little in some of the stores... we got our traditional "we've been here" Christmas ornament. We try to collect Christmas ornaments whenever we take a trip... then when we decorate our tree each year... it's a neat way of remembering.

Anyway - Good Times!! We are off to Animal Kingdom tomorrow, I believe!

Katie will be in her element!!

LA :)

PS - It was painful for me taking pictures tonight with my digital point and shoot. It will be interesting tomorrow going around Animal Kingdom with a real camera.


  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMay 7, 2008 at 3:44 AM

    This is so great! How wonderful (and special) for Katie!! Have fun!!

  2. Oh, you guys look so happy! Love the Cowgirl hat - you wear it well. Thanks for posting and including pictures of your adventure. Have fun - see ya when you get home.
