Monday, June 18, 2007

I Must Be Crazy - I'm Missing BOSTON

It was so funny... whenever I talked to anyone last week from home or from the South - I'd say "there is no way that I could live here, NO WAY". But something funny happened over the course of our five days in Boston - it actually grew on me.

It's a very friendly city, surprisingly - we just had a hard time, VERY hard time understanding people sometimes - caught ourselves smiling and nodding and then Don and I would be like "what did they say?" afterwards...

It's a WALKING city! VERY MUCH A WALKING CITY! I love that! The weather ended up being beautiful Friday and Saturday and we went to Quincy Marketplace at Faneuil Hall both Friday and Saturday evening. We took in the Children's Museum with Katie after my workshops on Friday. We were SO ON THE GO and we walked everywhere - it was awesome! But - we LOVED Quincy Marketplace - outdoor shops, restaurants, vendors, live performances, BIG crowds, but nice people - LOVED IT! Wish Knoxville could get it together and actually do what they talk about doing with Market Place. It would be LOVELY to have a smaller version of Quincy Marketplace in our Market Place here!

We stumbled on a live performance of a local band, Similar Jones, at Faneuil Hall on Saturday night! Incredible performers! Very talented! Bought their CD for $10 and have been listening to it all day today while I've been working. They are a funky A Capella group - no musical instruments! VERY TALENTED!

Boston also has AMAZING food. YIKES! I was so scared to come home and get on the scale! I was careful but definitely enjoyed the local flavors... especially the FRESH SEAFOOD! The good news is I didn't gain - the bad news is I didn't loose. LOL! Back on track today counting carbs, protein, sugars, etc! :) So, I'm at 110 total pounds lost!

Oh, and the REDSOX!! Who would have ever thought that I'd get into baseball... but I've really gotten into The Smokies - local minor league. Don and I've been having baseball on some in the evenings when we are working... and it's very relaxing to me. Kind of like golf - love watching golf sometimes. LOVED how BOSTON is such a "community" when it comes to the REDSOX.

Oh, oh, oh... and I bought a really cool HARVARD sweatshirt that is grey with pink (surprise) lettering - and I bought a LADIES MEDIUM! Plan to be wearing that this winter! YAY!

Oh, AND we were at the CHEERS replica restaurant on Friday night. Had such a nice waiter named John. John was YOUNG and he was picking our brain about "all this eBay Live stuff". We were lovin' chatting with him until he said AND I QUOTE "eBay is just really cool - you can get stuff from WAY BACK WHEN like cool toys from the 80's". *sigh* How does that happen!?

Katie and I got our hair "done" by one of the outdoor vendors. We got these cool hair clips and this gal fixed our hair in like 5 minutes each. Katie's was beautiful - like a french braid with the beautiful pins that we of course, ended up buying!


Still reeling with total information overload on all the things I took in with eBay Live! Went through ALL THE MANY materials I came home with and all the notes I took... SO MUCH!! There have been so many grumblings over eBay in the past 18 months by the "eBay Community" - however; I have to say - they know how to put on a trade show. They definitely cater to sellers - especially the power sellers during this event! I loved every minute of it and already have my hotel reservations for Chicago next June.

I love traveling so very much! Love it! Totally love experiencing new things - meeting people and taking in how people live in other parts of the country! But as much as I ended up loving Boston - as usual - got tears in my eyes when the plane was flying over East Tennessee yesterday - the farms, the rolling hills, surprisingly everything looked green from the air... God's Country! NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!

Must go to the farm tomorrow!! When I see Belle and Sunny - Then I'll be like BOSTON WHO? What CITY LIFE? I'm a country girl at heart - just like visiting the city!

:) LA

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're home. I feel the same way about the city. Fun to visit but wouldn't want to live anywhere but here...where you are!
