Monday, June 25, 2007

Dollywood Day

What a great day today!!

Spent the day with two of my very favorite people. Katie, of course and Lisa!! We had so much fun... we were only there from 10-2 but we did a lot. We rode some great rides - there was a pretty good crowd there today for it to be a Monday. Some of the lines were long and took a while and others there wasn't much of a wait at all. Katie did great waiting in the long lines though. I was very proud of her. Even Lisa was bragging about how patient she waited.

Katie has really taken to Lisa. She just loves her. Matter of fact, I lost her on the rides. I rode by myself mostly and she rode with "cool adopted Aunt Lisa"! It was fun!

We got soaked! We rode the river rafting thing for the last ride and really got soaked! Katie was obsessing about getting water in her ears but still had fun. Every time one of us "got it" - we were laughing so hard. Katie LOVED the Tennessee Tornado - with the loopy loops! She's definitely a thrill seeker. Love my kid! :) So, we got drenched on the ride - then had this lovely photo taken of the three of us - then the sky opened up. It was all fun though!!!

Lisa gave Katie her birthday present today - isn't that awful that we'd gone that long without seeing each other. It was a great horse book and horse set. She spent the rest of the afternoon and evening playing with it and we read the book three times!

Katie wants to know what we are doing next with Lisa....? :) She also adores Rick... So maybe we can include him next time! ;)

Don's working on that Final Cut Pro certification! I'm so excited for him to get it. It's going to open up so many doors for him at Scripps and elsewhere! YAY!

Katie starts her summer day camp tomorrow. She's going to be doing cooking classes, nature walks, science experiments, going to see a movie once a week, going to museums - she is very excited. We got her backpack all packed tonight! FUN!

I'm going out to the farm on Wednesday morning by myself - for the first time since my surgery! I can't wait. I love going out there with Don and with Katie and all three of us together - but I also REALLY enjoy just having some time out there by myself. I'm going early before it gets too hot... or at least so the heat will happen gradually.

I can't tell you how much fun I'm having with Belle. I still love spending time with Sunny - but Belle is who I ride. Since she's a TN Walker, she just glides. Love it! Love her! She's very comical! She loves to play with my hats, visors, water bottles, straws... etc. She is just 4 - so she's just a kid.

We've definitely made a connection. I take her back out the pasture after working with her and she follows me back through the paddock or gets to the gate and waits for me to come back. Can't tell you how cool it is to have a 1200 pound animal that loves you! So cool! So therapeutic!!!

I'm loving doing the Parelli training with her. I dream of getting a horse trailer and starting to really be on the go with them.

I have a lot of eBay stuff to do. Planning to revamp my store completely and establish a shopping cart system. I've been getting a lot of calls for liquidating estates, etc. I've got to get a handle on my time management! *sigh* It use to come naturally - now I really struggle with it! I think it's because I finally started putting "ME" into the equation! LOL!

More later!
LA :)

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