Saturday, June 16, 2007

eBay Live 2007 was AMAZING!!!

Well, I swore I'd never have two blogs - I've read about people having multiple blogs but apparently - that is definitely a new trend in online selling and very effective with marketing because of all the search engines picking up on the titles, etc. Additionally, eBay rolled out a new blogging tool/widget... So, I have started a blog for Tennessee Treasures by Leeann.

I have learned so many things that I will be working over the coming weeks to implement. I finally connected today with Elizabeth from San Diego - one of my eBay Bootcamp LAX buddies. It was great to see her.

I had so much fun seeing Lynn Dralle and her mom and meeting her best friend Melanie. Looks like I'm heading to Palm Springs, CA in September to assist in her only bootcamp for 2007. YAY! Can't wait! She's my eBay mentor!!! She seemed to have one of the busiest booths on the floor. She's going to be featured in the August 2007 Entrepreneur Magazine and her third eBay book is coming out in July. Her and her mom made the biggest deal over my weight loss - that was nice. Her mom had weight loss surgery a few years ago so we compared notes.

Well, I've already made hotel reservations for eBay Live 2008 in Chicago next June. This trip was worth it, worth it, worth it! I haven't even begun to process all that I learned.

More later,
LA :)

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