Thursday, April 26, 2007

YUCK!!! So disappointed in me

Well, I goofed! I'm sure you immediately see by the picture what I did. I had two of Katie's frosted animal cookies today. I can't even explain what went through my mind that allowed me to do it or didn't talk myself out of doing it. I had an extremely bad day - mainly centering around events with Gran and I fell right back into that "oh, this will make me feel better".

That's the bad news! The good news is... IT DIDN'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER! It not only immediately made me feel like crap emotionally that I ate junk but it made me feel bad physically. I got this tingly and oogie feeling all over that lasted almost 45 minutes.

Needless to say - I wont be doing that again! At least I sure hope not!

:( LA

1 comment:

  1. okay, remember the marathon thing I am always talking about? even the best marathon runners stumble from time to time. I just looked up the animal cookies on the web and one cookie is only 21.66 calories. I know its a lot of sugar and fat but in the grand scheme of things you have a lot to be proud of! Don't you dare beat yourself up over 21 calories. Love you
