Wednesday, April 25, 2007

WOW - I am starting to surprise myself!

Never in a million years did I think I would have the confidence, guts and nerve to strike out on my own to go to a city like Boston for a trade show. Going to New York with Katie during Christmas 2005 was totally different. I knew where we going, what to expect, where it was safe to be in the evenings - during the day, etc. and I was with Katie who loves being in the city!!! So - it was just a fun mother and daughter adventure.

Well, last year I was suppose to go to eBay Live in Las Vegas but Don and Katie were going with me - so that was cool. Katie was going to do the eBay kids camp and Don was going to do the eBay Live stuff with me. We ended up not going and I was disappointed because it's suppose to be a MUST for anyone serious about growing their business on eBay.

Well, I've known since November when I was in LA for Lynn's eBay Bootcamp that I wanted to go to eBay Live in Boston this year. Well, I am and I'm going alone. I tried to talk my mom into going since she and MomMom have Miss Lily's Attic now but she didn't want to go. So, I'm going alone. I'm excited and nervous... it's just HUGE! I've never been to Boston... so I don't know what it's like to hail cab's there... is it like NY? I don't know the transportation system or the neighborhoods... is the waterfront harbor area a safe place to walk? I'm staying at the Omni Parker House - which is only like four or five blocks from the Boston Convention and Exposition Center.

Anyway, I've signed up for seminars that are going to be WONDERFUL!!! I've started going to Estate Sales again (well - as of this Friday) and garage sales. I've got a pending order with Wisconsin Toy Company since the Fisher Price stuff has done so well. Goodness knows, I wish I could find another exclusive designer handbag source! :)

One thing I've been talking to my therapist about is building up my confidence to strike out and do more things on my own. I have a "safety zone" and I get nervous when I'm out of it. I love to travel and would love to be an eBay certified contributor one day traveling to these events to teach - instead of learn.

I'm never nervous if I'm with Don and Katie or a good friend or member of the family. So this will definitely be an experience. YAY! Go me, right!? I did send a message to all my LAX Bootcamp buddies to see if any of them are going. I know one gal from San Diego is going but she's staying at a different hotel.

Well, I'll be blogging about it mid-June because I'll be up there June 13-16th. How exciting!

What's today?! Wednesday Weigh Day!! It's official! I've lost 90 lbs. Again, go me! :)

Seriously, I just feel good. I have a ton of energy... I'm sleeping well, eating well, living in a "one day at a time" mindset. My therapist - I wish I'd found her two years ago when I first tried seeing a psychologist - is just wonderful! She's really giving me some good tools and knowledge to break out of some of my ruts. Go her! :)

More later!
LA :)

1 comment:

  1. you will do GREAT!!!
    have fun - it will be so empowering you.

