Wednesday, April 18, 2007

85 Pounds & 3 Miles A Day

Whew! It's been a very hard week trying to get myself back on track with exercising every day NO MATTER WHAT happens to get in the way. The only day this past week that I didn't exercise was Saturday and taking one day a week off is allowed by my exercise physiologists. I lost a total of 85 pounds so slowly but surely I am starting to move off that plateau - three weeks and all I've lost is 5lbs. Thank goodness I'm moving downward again!

I alternate taking Sophie and Hogan. They are both such good walking buddies.

It helps to have people in your life that you see regularly that are also focused on being and or getting healthy. Don is doing a great job - he's gotten really good at helping me to make exercising a MUST and he is doing a great job of exercising as well. He's lost a total of 26 pounds. My best friend Lisa just looks AMAZING! She's lost 25 pounds and she just looks great! I was so excited for her yesterday - she had a goal of getting into a special dress for her anniversary and she flew right by that goal and the dress ended up being too big!

Gran is still in the acute care wing at Fort Sanders. We are really having a tough time with her. She's not accepting the future outlook very well and that's with me working incredibly hard to try and figure out a way for her to go home and not to a nursing home. She's never going to be able to drive again and that's really causing a problem. I am trying to keep in mind that loosing a car and driving abilities would be EXTREMELY hard - however - if she gets to go home... seems like it would balance it out.

I'm about ready to tell my dad that it's all his - he can take her to NC and take full responsibility of the situation. She's not going to be nasty to me when I'm doing all I can to make her final months/years the best they can be.

I saw my behavioral therapist yesterday about the gagging/food aversion problem that I developed after my surgery and complications. That all seemingly is in the past - however; now she is trying to help me learn to say NO and to take care of myself. If I continue on this path of caring for everyone else first - me last.... there wont be a me very much longer.

It would suck big time to have gone through all this surgery and complications AND lifestyle change only to end up having a massive stress induced heart attack.

I keep telling my dad that if he hopes that I will be around 25+ years (hopefully) to help take care of him and make decisions that would be in his best interest - he needs to step up to the plate and take responsibility. He's done more with Gran's illness than he did with Grandad... but it's still not enough.

Anyway - it's bad when your therapist looks at you and says "how on earth are you managing.... you need to start asking for help".

Didn't really pay it much mind until last night at 5:45pm - I realized that I had not mailed off our taxes. We always do it certified/return receipt. I had definitely taken care of AC's, Gran's... but not ours. So, it was a mad dash to get it done before the 7pm post office deadline.

That's just wrong! I can't imagine if I'd woken up this morning and realized that our taxes had fallen through the cracks. I honestly can't imagine!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll write tomorrow hopefully and talk about BIG plans for Katie's birthday.

More later!
LA :)

1 comment:

  1. hey there girlie,

    so glad to find you blog :)
    so proud of you. loved hanging out
    on saturday. we have to do that more often. croppin' was so fun!

    Your gran is in my prayers.

