Thursday, June 4, 2009

Humor Truly Is The Best Medicine

My Uncle Ronnie had to have his prostrate removed on Monday due to trace cancer findings. He wasn't looking forward to it at all BUT he has a high pain tolerance and therefore... I don't think the hospital staff still understands what happened...

He had EVERYONE who even came close to him laughing.

I've always loved Uncle Ronnie but growing up, I always remembered him being so serious. I'm sure he's always had a sense of humor but now... LOOKOUT!!

When they were wheeling him up from recovery, my mom heard the elevator bing and thought "Oh, maybe this is Ron".... then she heard all the laughter and sure enough... it was!!

When he called MomMom that night from the hospital... he had her laughing!!

I said "That's IT! No more anesthesthia for Uncle Ronnie... I'm cutting him off"!!

I'm glad I made the trip over. I stayed with MomMom while he was having the surgery. She's 86 and was so worried. I kept her busy all day talking about stories from back when her and Grandad were first married!! There was a lot of laughter and happiness so I'm sure she enjoyed it too!!

I had some nice time with Mom in the evenings when everyone was sleeping!! We caught up on stuff and laughed and it was just very nice!! Who would have ever thought mom and I would both love The Gilmore Girls? It's fun to share simple stuff in common.

But, it's nice to be home!! And it's wonderful he came through the surgery so well.

Future blog post will cover Ronnie's (my cousin) very scary encounter with the bull he USE to own.

Happy Thursday!!


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