Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Family, Fun & Photography

The past several days have been hectic but wonderful!!  On Saturday, I shot my first horse show in Greenback, TN at a beautiful farm and I loved every minute of it!!  It was hot and my scalp got scorched but other than that - it was great!!  Considering that it was my first show, I think I got some pretty good shots.  I've done a low resolution you tube video but if you want to see higher resolution better quality photos, you can at my website... Dragonfly Photography.

Don had a crazy busy weekend too.  He had a wedding rehearsal on Thursday night in Greenback, a wedding Friday in Greenback, a recital on Saturday in Lafollette, a rehearsal Saturday night and then another wedding Sunday in Maryville.

My dad got here Saturday night and it was so good to see him.  He had his PET scan last Friday and gets his results tomorrow.  Prayers please!!  He is in good spirits and his attitude is wonderful!!  Sunday, Dad, Katie and I headed to Rockwood and Kingston and we spent with Gran and Jack & Sue.  Minus a heated political discussion with my second cousin - it was a great day!!

Politics, religion and family just don't mix!!  :)

Monday my dad just needed to take it easy and I had 3,800 photos to weed through to get that number down to >600.  So my dad hung out with me while I worked on photos.

Yesterday, I packed up my laptop so I could still work and went to Chattanooga with him because he had eight business calls to make.  We had such a great day together... but several times, we'd be laughing and having a great time and it'd get quiet and I'd get a lump in my throat and my stomach would flip and I'd think "Gosh, I'm so blessed he's still here but each day is a gift... he's already exceeded the odds".

I'm always aware that there are many things that I take for granted in this life.  I try not to... but I get so wrapped up in things that I know I do.  Yesterday was just another reminder to slow down and enjoy the things that really matter in life!!

Please pray for my dad that his PET scan comes back clear tomorrow!!

I hope that I can really build on the horse show photography!!  Don has truly found his passion and loves every minute of what he does - whether it's wedding, commercials or corporate training videos.  He LOVES editing!

What's that old saying...."find something you love doing and figure out a way to earn a living doing it..."

Well, I haven't figured out a way to get paid riding horses or scrapbooking... so photographing horses and people who love horses is pretty darn fun for me!!

My next schedule show is June 27th & 28th in Friendsville.  I can't wait!!

I also have Mary's wedding on June 20th.  That will be fun too... I hope!  My first wedding with more than 25 guests...


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