Thursday, June 18, 2009

So Very Thankful

My dad got his PET scan results a few days ago and things have just been crazy busy and I haven't posted... but it came back clear.  His wonderfully thorough and aggressive surgical oncologist even removed a few new places and one lymph node he was concerned about and biopsied them and they came back negative.  So, big sigh of relief and my dad gets a 3 month reprieve.  He's still not okay, he still has cancer and according to his doctor, it's not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when" another tumor will appear and treatments options will again be up for discussion.

But, when you are 67 (almost) and have Stage IV Metatstatic Melanoma and have already beat the odds of surviving more than a year and you are given the all clear for three more months... that's truly a gift and a blessing!!

I think Dad and Marilyn are doing their best to enjoy every day to the fullest!!

Thanks for your prayers and love!


1 comment:

  1. This is Cassie from Coytee who rode the white pony from Mary's barn. I wanted to see if you would give me permission to see the youtube vido on your blog, because it won't let me view it on here or on youtube because it's private. Also my username is jumper1317 on youtube so look me up and add me as a friend or something so I can see it. Thanks!
