Friday, March 14, 2008

Wake Me When It's Finally Spring

*sigh* I know my friends and family are tired of hearing me complain about wanting spring to be here... but seriously!!!

We actually had a nice spring like day both Wednesday and Thursday but I didn't see the outside of the house because Katie is sick. She has croup. Yuck! She's been puny and hasn't felt good at all since late Tuesday night. She missed school Wed, Thur and today! Now, she is on spring break until March 25th. Surely we will have some nice weather to do some nice things outside in the coming week.

My dad is having surgery right now. Marilyn called to say that the scan they did pre-opt for any additional signs of cancer came back negative. His biopsy(s) on the other places they removed and his lymph nodes came back benign. He is so blessed and lucky to have had stage 4 melanoma and all the other places and everything to have come back negative. I'm so relieved and I could hear the relief in her voice!!

I'll be looking goofy in the coming years wearing hats, sunscreen and being pale. I will no longer be lounging in the sun. I've always liked getting a little golden tint to my skin and I love relaxing by the pool or the ocean in the warmth of the sun reading a book... no more! It's just not worth it. Maybe I'll try those bronzers...?

I also have the court date set for the legal stuff with my grandmother. It is Wednesday, April 2nd.

When is Disney!? I'm so ready!!! May 6th!!! Can't believe Katie will be turning 9. It's her last year in the single digits!

1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMarch 15, 2008 at 6:38 AM

    So glad to hear this about your dad! That is really good news. Hope!

    I'm with you on the spring wishes! It doesn't help any when you are home with a sick child either!
