Monday, March 31, 2008

Dad's Cancer Has Not Spread

I can not even begin to imagine the relief my dad must feel today. He met with the oncologist for the results of the PET scan that he had on Friday and they do not believe that the cancer has spread to any of his organs - WHICH IS SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!!

He will have to have another PET scan in six months to ensure that there wasn't something small that was missed.

He goes to Blumenthal Cancer Center in Charlotte, NC tomorrow to start the clinical trial for the Melanoma. The oncologist told Dad this morning that this particular clinical trial would not be administering any placebos - so he will definitely be receiving treatment.

Things are looking up! This has been a horrible three weeks. I've been so overwhelmed with worry and sadness. Loosing Maggie was so much harder than I ever thought it would be and then to have the worry of Dad's prognosis on top of it... not to mention dealing with Gran.

Dad and I did a conference call to talk with Gran yesterday about 6pm... we talked with her for 15-20 minutes. We talked about him getting the results of his tests today, we talked about Katie, we talked about a number of things. She talked about how it brightened her day that we called.

Then, at 6:30... she called me..."Leeann...(long pause)... I forgot why I called you...(another pause) - oh, have you heard from your dad this weekend?" I reminded her that we had just talked to her ten minutes ago... she didn't remember it... any of it. She swore it didn't happen.

I took her out to dinner with Katie and I on Saturday evening to Outback. When I got her in the car after dinner, I got in the car and started it and she said "Oh Leeann, is this your purse?" No, I had my purse... "Gran, it must be yours"... "No, it's not mine"... so I get out of the car and go to the backseat because I was worried that somehow, she'd picked up the wrong handbag... no, it was the handbag she's carried for years!!

The court hearing for the conservatorship has been postponed until April 16th because there was a conflict with the guardian ad litem.

In any case, at least there was a huge bright spot today! Thank you so much for your prayers, friendship and support.

I'll keep you posted!
LA :)

1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMarch 31, 2008 at 10:11 AM

    That is truly good news about your dad! I will keep praying.

    I just can't imagine going through that with your Gran! I think my dad may be in early stages of Alzheimers and it is so upsetting. I pray that I am wrong and don't have to see him go through that...
