Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dad Update

My dad went back to the surgical oncologist, Dr. Bebb, this morning. News was slightly better than we'd prepared for but still very serious. The biopsy came back on the three lymph nodes and 2 were benign and 1 was cancerous. The concern is that the lymph node that the cancer spread to apparently is a lymph node that will almost have a starburst type affect with spreading. So now the concern is where else has the cancer spread to....? My dad will have a PET scan done sometime next week to determine if and where.

Dr. Bebb told Dad flat out this morning that he was going to have to fight for his life in the upcoming year. He's going to have radiation, irregardless of whether it has spread anywhere else. He's also going to have to have additional lymph nodes removed amd he may also loose his right ear. I'm still not completely clear on all the details... which is frustrating.

Dr. Bebb has already submitted Dad for a clinical trial in Charlotte that will require them being in Charlotte twice a week for three months. This is also going to be dependent on what the PET scan shows.

Dad and Marilyn are so overwhelmed and they don't ask a lot of questions. I wish I could be there to help out... but I have my hands full with Katie and Gran.

Thank you so much for all your emails, prayers, love and support! Please keep praying for my dad. He didn't handle the news that well but seems to be determined to let it sink in today and start tomorrow with a FIGHT!


1 comment:

  1. Tennessee Mama DuckMarch 20, 2008 at 3:52 PM

    It sounds like it will be a tough year - I will pray for his strength and determination - as well as complete healing!
