Sunday, February 3, 2008

Winter Duldrums

*sigh* It is turning out to be a long winter! Katie and I have had cabin fever BAD! So it was nice yesterday to finally enjoy some time outside and in the sunshine! We went to STAR and to the farm. I wish that darn groundhog had not seen his shadow! I am more ready for spring than I've ever been in my life! I know when the weather turns a little more sunny and warm, my exercise and activity level will pick back up and hopefully those numbers will continue downward! I am so stalled!

I took this picture of Katie on Thursday when she played outside for a while. Muddy yucky yard and it was a dreary 45 degree cloudy day but she had fun. Cabin Fever!!!

Katie was very happy to go to STAR yesterday. She loves her horse Maria! It's the best horse that she has worked with so far at STAR. Although at one point yesterday when she was grooming her, Katie gave Maria a kiss on her nose and Maria was like "What was that?" Katie gives Sunny kisses all the time and that gentle giant is use to it. Maria - not so much!

Katie has been doing so good with her riding. She is finally looking where she wants to go, paying very good attention to the instructor, doing good with her 2-point (shown here in the picture). She's going to do a few shows this year. That should be fun!

Everybody - meet Gremlin! Most of you have heard Don, Katie or I talk about this maniac bird... here he is! Hate him! Never met an animal that I didn't like... til Gremlin!!

You know how much we love the farm but it's just a mud pit right now. Poor Sunny and Belle - they make these horrible sucking mud swooshie noises when they try to walk around in it. Although - Sunny does love her horsey spa treatments. Don got a lot of caked mud off her yesterday but she has really been rolling in the mud and sunning herself. Makes a lovely horsey mud mask!

Right as we were leaving, Amy started riding her thoroughbred, Madge out in the pasture bareback. We love to watch her ride bareback because she makes it look so effortless - when it's totally not! Madge is a beautiful horse!

Had so much fun with Lisa scrapbooking but I have no pictures as evidence! We've got to get better!!! Made a new friend, Shar. A fourth grade teacher at Rocky Hill. She was a lot of fun. I also had such a nice time catching up with my friend Sheila at STAR yesterday! She's such a fun gal!

We took Gran out to dinner last night... that was emotionally exhausting as usual. I so miss having fun with her... she just is so bitter and never has ANYTHING good to say about ANYTHING anymore! It's even on Katie's nerves! We just all try to be as positive as possible.

SuperBowl Sunday!? Seems a little strange. Don't really even care who wins... except I guess I'll pull for the Giants because I don't like Tom Brady AT ALL. Maybe the commercials will be good. Budweiser always has the clydesdale horse commercials which of course, I love!

More later!
LA :)


  1. Katie's eyes just sparkle in that top picture! I can't wait for spring time either. I'm tired of being cold all the time.

    You have to pull for the Giants...Eli Manning. Plus they are the underdogs. It would be very cool if they won!

    Love ya

  2. You are the SWEETEST! I loved chatting with you again at STAR. Guess that's kinda why I was surprised when the lesson was over. I know I'm truly there for my girls, but the fellowship time is very therapeutic.

    Love the pictures you took at STAR - you've inspired me to get some pics posted of my girls.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, too! See you Saturday. Hugs to you on this rainy Monday!
