Friday, February 8, 2008

Katie's MRI

Well, after four years of wanting Katie to get an MRI - the day finally arrived and now it's done. She did great! She wasn't happy about not eating breakfast this morning since it's the one meal daily that she truly enjoys but she did good.

They told us that the sedative would knock her out in literally 10 seconds and for it not to worry us how she'd be alert and talking one minute and gone the next. They weren't kidding... actually they asked her if she had a boyfriend (nice!!!) and of course, she said "yes" and they they started injecting the sedative and she said "I have two, Sam and Russ.."

She has two little friends at school named Sam and Russell... so she didn't even get Russell's name out! Everyone involved in working with Katie this morning was WONDERFUL!! I continue to be amazed at how blessed we are at every turn with Katie medically and with her education! Nothing but wonderful, caring people who are definitely in their field because of their love for helping children.

They told us that they got great pictures. Now the MRI gets read and goes back to Dr. Belmont, the Pediatric Otolaryngologist who diagnosed Katie with the CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) and then she will be referred to a Neurologist.

I guess another journey begins but at least we will continue to get answers and hopefully additional help for Katie's development and future.

We already have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) team meeting at Katie's school on Thursday afternoon to implement some of the suggestions made already by the audiologist and Dr. Belmont due to the new diagnosis of CAPD. One being that Mrs. Crawford (Katie's teacher) wear a wireless FM transmitter mic and Katie will wear headphones and it will help her to hear what the teacher is saying without trying to filter out competing noise - like other children talking.

Don has really been working with Katie about being more attentive and looking directly at the person who is talking - ie: Mrs. Crawford and trying not to let anything else interfere. Already, just reinforcing that every morning on the way to school has made a noticeable difference.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers! I'll keep you posted! Literally! :)

LA :)


  1. Hey, to you, too! Way to go on completing the MRI - medical stuff is rarely fun, but when you have a great team around you it makes it an okay experience. And kudos to Katie for holding off on breakfast - I'm with you, sweet's my favorite meal of the day! Thanks so much for your comments on my posts. Great advice, too - thanks a bunch. I will see you in the morning - can't wait to spend time with you. I'm bringing my camera this time so I can post pics of the girls riding on my blog.

    Hugs to you! :)

  2. P.S. I can post pics on my blog of the girls riding. (last one sounded like the girls were riding on my blog!) I know, I'm weird! Tee hee...

  3. This is great - you finally got what you knew was needed. I'm still waiting that for my Princess. Had a good meeting with her teacher this week. She is definitely beginning to see the things I've seen. That is at least hopeful. Helps me to know I'm not crazy!
