Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sometimes You've Just Gotta Play

So after STAR yesterday, I'm settling in with my laptop to do some work for ACM that I'd been procrastinating on... and Katie starts saying "mom, please play with me". The days have been fewer and farther between when Katie wants me to play with her anymore so I don't think that it was that I was postponing the inevitable work when I jumped at the chance to play dress up with her.

The child has such a vivid imagination - it's so much fun!! She didn't seem to mind me having my great big camera in her face at! Although, I much prefer being in the distance with my zoon lens capturing her play without her knowing.

We went to see Movin' Out last night with Rick & Lisa. We had a great evening out with them - as we do always. However, I was disappointed in the show. The tickets were pretty expensive - almost $70 and it was basically a ballet to Billy Joel's classic hits.

I have never been a big fan of ballet - it's just not my thing. I had no idea that it was a "dance play" with no spoken word. The music however was fantastic. If you closed your eyes - it could have been Billy Joel belting out those songs.

Irregardless of the dance play - we did have fun being out with Rick and Lisa. Oh, and Lisa's daughter Sienna babysat for Katie and Katie is really warming up to Sienna. YAY!! She was talking a mile a minute about her this morning... "we ate pizza together, we played swords (katie makes imaginary swords with paper - again YAY!!!) and then we watched tv together and had a slumber party. I do believe that they did have a little bit of a slumber party because Sienna was sound asleep with Katie when we got home. Katie wanted me to call her this morning to see if she wanted to go to Build-A-Bear with us. :) Sienna hung out talking with Don and I last night for a while before leaving. I'm so happy that we finally have a babysitter that I don't fret over.

This is going to be one busy week!! It starts tomorrow with meeting an attorney for some difficulties I'm having with Gran's finances... mainly medical bills that she doesn't have the resources to pay. Again, evidence of the fact that America isn't the place to grow old if you aren't packing away the assets.

A lot of other miscellaneous stuff but then on Thursday we have the IEP team meeting at Katie's school to discuss making some adjustments and changes.

Oh and I guess the "I should have maybe gone to Berkley, political radical activist in me" has overflowed into my eBay life. I've joined the thousands of sellers in protest by boycotting and by making my store invisible for two weeks and committed to not listing anything for two weeks. The thinking is that this will prove to eBay that without the sellers providing product for the buyers - there is no eBay!

eBay has made a TRAGIC mistake by the new policies that they have just announced. I don't know what I'm going to do going forward. The income I earn from my eBay store pays for our horses, STAR and anytime we travel. I don't want to loose that - but I may be searching for an alternative other than eBay! Dog Gone It!!!

More later...
LA :)


  1. Hmmm...I'm so clueless!? What are the new Ebay policies?? I'm totally missing out on that...

    Where are the pictures of you? Did you dress up too??

  2. Sienna really enjoys Katie. I think they have a really good time together!
